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Advancing to a new tier

Thu, Nov 28 2024 5:30 PM (336 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Jul 19 2016 1:14 PM

    Great post by Paul.

    Just to reiterate a few points - the clubs available at a low level are far superior than those of yesteryear and therefore there is nothing stopping a lower level player carding low scores at legend tier.

    Red tee legends (or paper legends) do stand out like a sore thumb and IMO, WGT got this badly wrong by including them as a ranked round. They can be fun occasionally, but the scores should not reflect in the "average".

    Legend is, and should be a challenge - the game in general must be a challenge to keep players interested. Many players who fail to adapt are gamers, not real golfers who understand the frustration of the game. As soon as many games stagnate, they bail for the next game.......

    Advice to anyone approaching legend - DUMP your driver and use the 3W from the tee - this will accustom you to the longer distances you will be left for your approaches, and will serve you in the long term.

    Above all have fun, it is a game so set your goals, play with friends and enjoy.

  • sky0diver
    119 Posts
    Fri, Jul 22 2016 10:56 PM

    Well, for me, going up in tiers is like getting older. If you are a child (hack) you can't wait to get older. But ones you reached a mature age (master / tour master), you hate every birthday coming up. ... Because what's so enjoyable about hitting it from tees further and further back :-)

    I enjoy the game a lot but have to say I don't look forward to becoming a "Legend" which should happen pretty soon I guess based on the numbers you guys indicated. ... But then again, maybe I just don't see the benefits yet of being one.

  • 8Westside
    21 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 1:30 AM

    I play on mobile only and almost always play the head to head stroke play matches in the different rooms. Today I was moved up from your pro to master. I'm sure my average doesn't meet the requirements on the above table, so what criteria was used to advance me. 

  • WGTUniverse
    94 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 10:21 AM


    I play on mobile only and almost always play the head to head stroke play matches in the different rooms. Today I was moved up from your pro to master. I'm sure my average doesn't meet the requirements on the above table, so what criteria was used to advance me. 

    your average also goes up based on your level. 

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 10:42 AM

    Interesting - which kind of level? Game room level?


    @8W: we are used to not getting precise official information on this subject - everything known about average and saturation and such comes from users.

    Furthermore, mobile play is relatively new and information exchange to the forums is low. So, you might know more than us.

  • AussieMick11
    1,277 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 11:35 AM

    We're nearly all mobile players in the country club I'm a part of and members have raised questions about average and tiering up in our club forum. This is what one of our members came up with (in bold):

    I've researched this a bit and observed the following for lower tiers:

    Hack will move to Amateur at level 20, regardless of average.

    Amateur will move to Pro at level 35, regardless of average.

    Pro will move to Tour Pro at level 50, regardless of average.

    If the minimum average and round requirements are met before reaching these levels, then movement to the next tier will happen at that time.  But if your average does not meet the average requirement at these levels, you will move up to the next tier anyway.  If you do a search of all WGT players by tier, you will see this observation confirmed.

    Round and average requirements must be met for Master tier and above.

    Just thought I'd throw this out there for those wondering why they moved up a tier without meeting the average requirement (like me lol).

    @WGTuniverse, can the above be confirmed by you?

    @alosso, have you ever heard of the above being true? The mobile aspect of playing head-to-head games and the coin rooms have added more unknowns into the mix.

    Thanks for any help.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 12:08 PM

    This is what I meant: WE bring the information, and vague official remarks is the best that we can expect.

    I'm not into mobile play and don't know much about it. Therefore I appreciate every bit of knowledge on these matters.

    It sounds logical that progress happens even without ranked rounds. Somehow mobile players must be lured into the Pro Shop ;)

    Thanks a lot!

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 12:44 PM


    I have only played the mobile version (iPad) since I started playing. I progressed in the tiers exactly according to the conventional steps that I've always seen posted with respect to required average and ranked rounds.  

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 12:45 PM



    I play on mobile only and almost always play the head to head stroke play matches in the different rooms. Today I was moved up from your pro to master. I'm sure my average doesn't meet the requirements on the above table, so what criteria was used to advance me. 

    your average also goes up based on your level. 

    Sorry for butting in on something I know nothing about, but the reply above completely baffled me.  Why would your average go up based on your level?  Are we talking levels in the usual way, as in equipment available at etc?

    As it is an answer to someone who advanced tier, does it mean down?  Or does it mean tier also goes up based on your level?

    Why such a short teasing statement?

    Or am I just being daft?

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Jan 19 2017 1:52 PM



    I have only played the mobile version (iPad) since I started playing. I progressed in the tiers exactly according to the conventional steps that I've always seen posted with respect to required average and ranked rounds.  

    Part of what he said was: If the minimum average and round requirements are met before reaching these levels, then movement to the next tier will happen at that time, so perhaps you advanced that way and not by level?