February 6
1665-1714 Anne Stuart, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland
But then in 1707, the Acts of Union between England & Scotland formed the United Kingdom of Great Britain...still the Queen but was indeed the last Monarch of The House of Stuart...some descriptions? OK...fat, constantly pregnant, under the influence of favourites...not a fool but not wise, nor entertaining in conversation...very ignorant, very fearful, very little judgement and surrounded by many artful people...BUT BEHOLD! it is a wonderful chair.
1732-1782 General Charles Lee
Born in England, was a British soldier during the seven years war, also fought for Poland, returned to America to buy an estate in Virginia, became a General in the Continental Army with eyes for being its Commander in Chief (it went to George Washington, thank God), was captured by the infamous Banastre Tarleton, was released only to screw-up an important battle, was kicked out of the Army, then said "Cheerio"
1748-1830 Adam Weishaupt
Founder of the Order of Illuminati...that is enough
1756-1836 Aaron Burr
Well, I'll try...extremely high IQ with a pure gold education to match...always top of the class...arrogant doesn't cut it...his ego was larger than the andromeda. Sadly, his name is in place as our 3rd Vice President. He was always( in his opinion ) the biggest head in the room even when Jefferson & Hamilton were present...a thing called delusional...Duel. A strange thing. You get into a beef, set up a duel with loaded pistols to gain satisfaction, face each other and fire above and away toward the head of each other (miss) and receive the satisfaction and settle the beef....well, Hamilton aimed high right and missed, Burr, not properly aimed, screemed a lead ball through the spine of Hamilton...Duel Burr...an SOB & a son of a gun...at least no one could stand him.
OH, there is a candy-bar named after Teddy Roosevelt's baby girl Ruth