goldeena:Nobody has reasoned it out like this before, if I had the idea then I am sure many others must have fallen on the same reasoning too - perhaps none have the nerve to stand up and say it for fear of being castrated.- something I have no such fear :-)
In a way, I understand what you are saying, but you made assumptions...i/e
Improved equipment, an an enhancement, but the only time they could be considered a cheat is if used in a restricted equipment tourney.
Better equipment is available to gain an advantage, but not a deceitful advantage. Your own definition posted explains this, conversely there is no deception involved if you and I play against each other, you use level 25 gear, and I used level 98 gear.
Saying an enhancement such as equipment could be considered cheating, would be like saying two strong men...who both lift weights to get stronger, are cheating...that's not the case, now if one of them using steroids, he is gaining a deceitful advantage and is cheating.
I still don't see how you can equate VEM as a counter measure to cheating, VEM is a counter measure to all players and as explained via the patent and in the discussion last year with WGTPizza, it (VEM) adjusts via a players skill level...note we both know the two types of Cheat SW out there...if you are making the assumption that skill level is based on hitting the ding, you cannot provide proof of that because even if so, WGT would not admit it, Skill level could be based on many factors...GIR's, birdies, distance to pin, etc.
Anyway, I suppose we will just differ in our opinions.
Now I have a few RG's to go muck up.