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No Virtual Open Championship in 2012

Tue, Jun 2 2020 7:53 AM (139 replies)
  • TurkishTerror
    2,177 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 9:29 AM

    I am more bummed out by not having the British open than when my doctor told me I had 3 STD's

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 9:40 AM


    I am more bummed out by not having the British open than when my doctor told me I had 3 STD's

    Okayyyyyyyyy.....Thanks for sharing that moment with us Turkish Terror. Yeah, 

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 9:55 AM

    Baseball is not a world game, golf is. Noone in Ireland, Holland etc gives a damn about it.

    I would respectfully disagree with this. I have actually played the game against teams from Russia and Holland in a true "World Series" in Arizona. It happens every year in November in Arizona where the MSBL holds their annual baseball competition for men over 30. It has since expanded all the way into the senior level with leagues up to 60+. I went there 14 years in a row and met players from all over the world.

    It may not be at the pro level but it certainly is universal.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 10:24 AM


    Baseball is not a world game, golf is. Noone in Ireland, Holland etc gives a damn about it.

    I would respectfully disagree with this. I have actually played the game against teams from Russia and Holland in a true "World Series" in Arizona. It happens every year in November in Arizona where the MSBL holds their annual baseball competition for men over 30. It has since expanded all the way into the senior level with leagues up to 60+. I went there 14 years in a row and met players from all over the world.

    It may not be at the pro level but it certainly is universal.

    Not to be mean Jim we know how you love our great past time but it is one of those sports I watch only when the world series starts.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 10:29 AM

    Not to be mean Jim we know how you love our great past time but it is one of those sports I watch only when the world series starts.

    That isn't mean, Sarge, it's real. Baseball isn't like soccer but it's not a big secret either and is played around the world. That was the point. And you do watch it, unlike me with Cricket.  ;-)

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 1:10 PM


    Not to be mean Jim we know how you love our great past time but it is one of those sports I watch only when the world series starts.

    That isn't mean, Sarge, it's real. Baseball isn't like soccer but it's not a big secret either and is played around the world. That was the point. And you do watch it, unlike me with Cricket.  ;-)

    Well, I love most sports, Football (not soccer!), golf, racing and my true love. University of Kentucky Basketball...

    Cricket, do people really watch that? LOL.Just kidding...

  • ianpogue
    15 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 3:25 PM

    also i don't thing the augusta national members want to give up there course for photographing !!!!!  

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 8:36 PM

    I couldn't care less about not getting the Open Championship, but if WGT couldn't get Royal Lytham, why didn't they do another course -- any course? Actually, another course probably would've been better than another links.

    One course a year? (Even two isn't enough.) Another year till we get a new course? I haven't even been here a year and I'm already getting tired of the ones we have -- and I can't compete with the super legends, so I guess it's time to start looking for something more useful to do with my time.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,599 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 8:41 PM

    In terms of Augusta the course is closed during the heat of the summer, which would be a great time for WGT to film, however I don't think the membership would ever let WGT in to film.  Heck they might find a couple of blades of grass that are miscut or even brown.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jun 25 2012 4:04 AM


    I couldn't care less about not getting the Open Championship, but if WGT couldn't get Royal Lytham, why didn't they do another course -- any course? Actually, another course probably would've been better than another links.

    One course a year? (Even two isn't enough.) Another year till we get a new course? I haven't even been here a year and I'm already getting tired of the ones we have -- and I can't compete with the super legends, so I guess it's time to start looking for something more useful to do with my time.

    Just yesterday, we (TECC) and WGT  lost a very dedicated WGT member and player because of this reason. Included in this was the increasing cost of equipment along with a couple other smaller issues but issues none the less. Either way you cut it, WGT lost a very supportive, respected member of the community and I have a very strong feeling as this year goes on sadly enough, we may see more retire. Let me add - my good friend GC didn't just say he was leaving, he completely depleted / deleted everything. It was a shocker.