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Re: Profile page status edit workaround

Tue, Apr 16 2024 12:10 AM (38 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2024 2:46 PM

    Hopefully this status edit won't be an issue for much longer, but I have just remembered another way to apply my code which makes it easier to use, and that is to create a bookmark.

    A bookmark that uses Javascript for its URL instead of a web address, is called a bookmarklet, but I'll call it a bookmark as it's less typing!

    If you don't know how to bookmark a webpage in Chrome, then I will show you how I do it. I may not do it the best or the right way, but it's my way.

    Before I create my bookmark, I need to copy the code in the first post of this thread.

    So, to create a bookmark for this page, I will just click the star at the righthand end of Chrome's address bar, and as any webpage will do to create a bookmark for my status edit workaround, this page is fine.

    Once I have clicked the star, I get a small pop up notification. On this notification is an edit button. To make sure I can find this bookmark I'll need give it an appropriate name. Clicking the edit button gives me two edit fields, name and folder. I'll edit the name to Status edit and leave the folder as is, then click done.

    Looking through my bookmarks folder, I find my new Status edit bookmark right at the very bottom, so I right click on it and select edit from the context menu. This gives me another pop up with two edit fields, name and URL. I have already got the name I want so I need to edit the URL field.

    I have already copied the code from the first page, so I just replace the web address in the URL field, with that code.

    IMPORTANT : Make sure you remove the hypen from the word java-script at the front of the code before clicking save.

    And we are done!

    If you have reached this far, then thank you for sticking with it. If go to your profile page and then click your new bookmark, hopefully you should be able to edit your status.

    Cheers.  ; )

  • pmm711
    5,599 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2024 4:34 AM

    Scott, Ever think they’re working on shutting down the WGT website so the profile status really won’t matter anymore?  Keeping devs busy with the website is a waste of valuable man hours.  

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2024 4:46 AM

    I don't know Paul, they might be doing just that. It would be a shame because lots of us have invested many hours in making this a good place for knowledge.

    I can see the advantages that discord has in it's immediacy, but it doesn't really appeal to this old guy.

    ⇩ EDIT : Glad you got it to work Hacker, thank you.  ; ) ⇩

  • Hacker456
    167 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2024 11:32 AM

    Appreciate your expertise.  I got this to work.  Any idea why many of the titles on my profile page are in French.  There is a way to translate it to English, but it still seems awkward.  Help is now Aid and some of the other categories are not quite translated correctly.  Not a big deal, just asking.

  • Robert1893
    7,699 Posts
    Wed, Mar 27 2024 6:45 PM


    Appreciate your expertise.  I got this to work.  Any idea why many of the titles on my profile page are in French.  There is a way to translate it to English, but it still seems awkward.  Help is now Aid and some of the other categories are not quite translated correctly.  Not a big deal, just asking.

    You probably inadvertently clicked on "FR" toward the bottom of the page. Just scroll down and click on "EN" to switch it back to English.

  • Hacker456
    167 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2024 4:49 AM

    Thanks. I never noticed that before. I play on a couple of computers and it was changed on both of them. Hard to believe I hit the FR on both of them.  I switched it back to EN and it worked. I kind of liked being a Legend Tour though.

  • Robert1893
    7,699 Posts
    Thu, Mar 28 2024 8:02 PM


  • 0000rb3
    269 Posts
    Mon, Apr 15 2024 8:52 PM

    Amazing! Thank you so much! Haven't played for years. Only way to play was through the browser then. Used to having it and seeing it.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Tue, Apr 16 2024 12:10 AM

    Cheers 0000rb3. Good to know it worked for you and thanks for the feedback. ; )