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Re: turning around

rated by 0 users
Mon, Feb 14 2011 3:59 PM (2 replies)
  • wayne13z
    2 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 3:32 PM

    how do you turn your player around?

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 3:49 PM


    There are no left handed avatars.  If you've seen pictures like that, it's probably someone, goofing around, who took a screen shot after aiming backwards.  It might seem counter intuitive, but except for the avatar's movements, which I have never understood (smile), you really don't need an avatar to hit the ball.  Just  concentrate on the meter and the white line.


  • NickN85
    193 Posts
    Mon, Feb 14 2011 3:59 PM


    how do you turn your player around?

    If youre simply asking how do you face the other direction in case your in say... a sandtrapwith a really high bank in front of you or hitting it str8 would put you in the rough.. then just click and drag the blue triangle aim icon in the map behind you.. youre golfer will face whichever direction you aim it.. however it has to be done on the map and cant be done from the 3rd person view...


    If youre meaning making it a lefty like joey stated.. then its impossible.. WGT would have to re-code their actionscript because the vector graphics would not coincide correctly in the current system.. and therefore its too big of a task to take care of right now with more impoartant things on the agenda...