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Re: Scott's tips.

Fri, Apr 12 2024 12:26 PM (748 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Fri, Jul 30 2021 2:00 PM

    ...wish me luck!  : |

    ...hope to see you all on the other side.  : ))

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Fri, Jul 30 2021 2:43 PM

    ...wish me luck!  : |

    Good luck!  I hope that's in a VM.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sat, Jul 31 2021 1:16 AM

    ...and we're back.  : )

    No, it's not in a VM Sam. This is an upgrade from Microsoft, not a leaked copy from an unknown source. But you have to be part of Windows Insider program to get it.

    The install went smoothly though (1hr 40min), an I have to say I like it. Everything seems to be a bit more spaced out, for touch screen users I am guessing, and that suits me better now my eyes are getting older.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Sat, Jul 31 2021 3:45 PM

    Hi Scott,

    Any info on the following; ?

    Keeps popping up as I refresh/load webpage - specifically here on the forums. Only really noticed it whilst trying to solve the issues mentioned below. For all I know it may well have nothing to do with what I'm experiencing re the actual gameplay.

    Asking as I keep getting 'Resolving shot' and very slow loading issues whilst trying to play a round, be it multi-player or solo. Started fairly recently.

    I've already used your script for resetting game to no avail.

    Windows10 and Edge browser user BTW.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 12:07 AM

    That web address rang a very small bell in my head J.

    Does anything here help at all?

  • BOZskills
    407 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 4:33 AM

    Wiger,don't know if this helps,but i've been getting the "check your conection/retry" while it's loading game or individual hole. It's been happening alot lately,almost never before now. P.S. I know there is nothig wrong with my internet,seems like it's a wgt thing.

  • Cicero733
    2,304 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 12:20 PM

    but i've been getting the "check your conection/retry"


    I play on iPad. When I get the message I have to reboot my modem router.

  • WigerToods2010
    8,446 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 1:45 PM


    That web address rang a very small bell in my head J.

    Does anything here help at all?

    Hmm no bells went off in mine, pal. But hang fire a second or two....



    Wiger,don't know if this helps,but i've been getting the "check your conection/retry" while it's loading game or individual hole. It's been happening alot lately,almost never before now. P.S. I know there is nothig wrong with my internet,seems like it's a wgt thing.

    Yup it does help. Been seeing that a lot past week or so... more to follow...


    I play on iPad. When I get the message I have to reboot my modem router.


    I powered my router/hub off completely earlier this morning and back on a minute later (also updated the Edge browser manually) and apart from my first hole played about an hour or so ago things - for now - seem to be working fine.

    Whether it'll last who knows.

    Thanks all for the input and confirmation it wasn't just myself seeing the issues.

    Cheers folks.


  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Mon, Aug 2 2021 11:03 AM
    Tiers and Averages


    What average do you need to Tier up, how many rounds do you need, and what is the effect of winning a Ready-Go or Match Play on your Average?

      Hack   >    Amateur   ≤ 100.00     5
      Amateur   >   Pro   ≤  80.00   10
      Pro   >   Tour Pro   ≤  72.00   20
      Tour Pro   >   Master   ≤  67.00   25
      Master   >   Tour Master   ≤  63.00   40
      Tour Master   >   Legend   ≤  61.00   50
      Legend   >   Tour Legend   ≤  60.00   500
      Tour Legend     >   Champion   ≤  59.00   750
      Champion   >   Tour Champion     ≤  55.00   1000
    ≤ less than or equal to

    Unless you win Ready Go Tourneys you need a certain minimum number of rounds played before you can move up to a higher Tier. This is commonly known as saturation. Rounds played on a Par 3 course, Par 5 course or any custom course do not count toward "saturation". Once saturation is reached WGT calculates your average based on the best rounds you have played in your current Tier. Both the minimum to get to saturation and how many rounds your average is based on is:


    If you win a Ready-Go or a Match Play against a higher tiered player your average will drop. Typically the drop is between 1 and 2 strokes. The exact formula WGT uses is unknown but it appears that 40 to 50 strokes are deducted from the total number of strokes you have played in your current Tier as a bonus for your win.

    This bonus no longer applies once you reach Legend Tier and do not carry over once you move up a Tier.

    These bonus strokes fade over time. Specifically, based on observation it appears that upon saturation two bonus strokes are lost every time you score lower than your highest score WGT still has recorded as your best for your current Tier.

    Edited quote. Thank you EdwardSimon.

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Thu, Aug 26 2021 1:49 AM

    As email responses to subscribed threads are still not working, I'm just looking at RSS feeds. If you look at the bottom of each thread page you'll see an RSS Available button.

    I'm sure I used to have an RSS feed reader in my email application in Windows 7, but I never really took much notice of it.

    So this is just a test to see if this post pops up in my Chrome feed reader!? Fingers crossed.