Yiannis1970:I will keep my 570 for now Simon. Either way, GPU is a component that i can sub in the future as well.
I see. It's true.
Yiannis1970:They are f**** crazy with these prices. Yes, have read about and expecting a drop in prices.
You know who you gotta say thanks to for this along with COVID-19, right? Pffft... I'll stop here before I get moderated again.
ScottHope:I don't really mind what it looks like, as long as I can find what I want and use it, and if different devices have similar interfaces, doesn't that make life easier?
Absolutely, Scott. I wouldn't mind if the interface of mobile devices looked like the PC's, but we're heading to the opposite direction I'm afraid...
I switch everything in my mobile devices to desktop mode whenever I can.
⇊ LOL ⇊