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New upper tiers.

Thu, Sep 16 2010 7:12 PM (54 replies)
  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 12:20 PM

    Neildiamond, your anger would be diffused and you would enjoy this game more if you lived and let live. The circumstances of my choices and the honorable ways I conducted them would put you at ease if you better understood them. Sometimes our blind and dark assumptions are the very poison that embitters our life.

    As for the new Legend challenge, I embrace it, and come what may.

  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 12:33 PM

    Aloha GL57, Aside from your account issues I would like to congratulate you on your perseverence through your ordeals, having crushed several discs in my lower back and having temporarily lost the use of my own legs, I kind of know what you're going thru, but only to a small degree.I went from surfing everyday of my life to not being able to do anything. Fortunately I recovered enough to be able to swim a bit and keep my regular job, just barely. My appreciation of any and all who are able to keep swinging at the ball(no matter how) is unbounded! Sometimes there other things out there that are just more important than swing meters, tiers, levels and sandbaggers. Hopefully the account thing is taken care of and you can play you some golf, Aloha No!

  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 12:38 PM

    Thank you, iukine. The ball is in WGT's court to effectively grant my request detailed in the transcript posted here. My hands are clean.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 1:02 PM

    GL, yeah I enjoy the game, but I was playing mostly Ready Go's and MPC's until the MPCs starting drying up.  I am with BB on the RG's, it just doesnt make sense that a Tour Master has an edge over the Legends in the form of playing from a shorter tee box with the same equipment.  Yes, eventually the legends will rise to beat them, or the TM's will become legends themselves, I just dont believe in penalizing the best to make it fair for the mediocre, there is money involved and that just makes no sense. 

    I have no hostility or anger, just displeased with how simple it is for people to take advantage, and the shame is that people spend REAL money and are being fooled by these multi accounts and sandbaggers.

  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 1:53 PM

    Grant it, you make a very valid point regarding the new Legend tier and the way it puts us at a serious disadvantage. But the fact remains that to me the new challenge feels more real. 

    Also, looking at it with an open mind, although I do not encourage anyone to follow my fanciful example, there is no crime in diversifying the experience if it is done with the absolute respect of fair play principles. Also, I wasn't fooled into spending real money on various pieces of equipment; I simply indulged my fancy in a fun-loving, if principled, way.

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 2:18 PM

    I just dont believe in penalizing the best to make it fair for the mediocre

    There's plenty of mediocre players in the Legend tier whether they were advanced, or got their by choice. There are thousands of players at WGT that are just as good, if not better then any member of the Deviation Country Club. That's a fact.

    It's ridiculous to think WGT penalized anyone at with the new tiers and levels. It's been two weeks and two days, give it time dude. There's more to this game besides winning a boat load of credits no one can do anything with.

  • neildiamond11790
    1,115 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 2:39 PM

    Rich, _________________________ you damn broken record.  THE DEVIATIONS, THE DEVIATIONS.  If you can prove to me its only members of the deviations, I will fully apologize and give all my credits away to you or anyone else.

    Only a real__________________ doesn't get it.  You TM have same equipment as me, we are playing headsup, you are teeing off on average 3 approach shot clubs closer to the green.  THAT IS AN ADVANTAGE. 

    The disadvantage that all members have is only the Legends tier gets another set of tees to play from. 


    Disadvantage:  a : an unfavorable, inferior, or prejudicial condition <we were at a disadvantage> b : a quality or circumstance that makes achievement unusually difficult : handicap <his lack of formal schooling was a serious disadvantage>

    example:  The legends tier, while being more skilled compared to other tiers, now faces a disadvantage of playing the same Ready Go tournaments as Tour Masters, by playing a much longer course and using the same equipment as Tour Masters.

    Cards suck.


    <edited by WGT>

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 3:06 PM


    There are thousands of players at WGT that are just as good, if not better then any member of the Deviation Country Club. That's a fact.

    As a member of the deviations, I sure hope that those thousands of people know about the challenge I issued!  They should wipe me out in no time being just  as good as me and getting odds way in their favor!

  • griffygriff
    597 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 3:12 PM

    GL57, whats your  philosophy on these actions and statements, if were a new member to wgt or for that matter anyone other than yourself.

    "I have opened another account, Knowing full well its against the wgt rules"." But i had no choice in the matter, because suddenly the account i opened a few days ago, has no aesthetic appeal to me and whats more to the point , i don't like the name i choose. Looking back now i can't believe i picked such a disgusting combination of numbers and letters...where was my head that day!

    "While flawlessly respecting the code of ethic's, i am unable to stop myself from opening yet another  a new account. This will be done not for my own selfish reasons, because that would be cheating....and where's the fun in that"?

    "This new account shall be opened for the only really good reason any illegal account should be open..FOR THE SAKE OF VARIETY....are you with me wgt are you with me".

     Your are having a laugh GL57 and you know it, .I am sure as a philosopher you would agree that honesty over a blatant disregard of wgt rules is paramount, and sugar coating your actions is just fancy talk for BS

  • GL57
    83 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 3:14 PM

    I understand your frustration, as overnight I went from sub-60 average to shooting 34s and 35s, thanks to more bogeys than I have played in a long time. From master to pro-like scores, that's my new reality, and Ready-Go's are almost out until I get a handle on those extreme conditions. Anyway, I can't change them, so I change my attitude toward them, with a hefty dose of humility.