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Uneven Lies Ryder Cup is ON!

Fri, Feb 21 2014 9:44 AM (383 replies)
  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Fri, Jan 17 2014 8:36 PM

    oh fantastic. looks like we have just about enough to get started. Can you please get it started so I don't actualy have to qualify.

    Compared to the rest of you in UEL I am mediocre and i just wanna play in this dang thing. LOL

  • dakotarov
    11 Posts
    Sat, Jan 18 2014 4:22 AM


    Absolutely interested - count me in

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Sat, Jan 18 2014 9:03 PM

    I'm officially in as a United Statesian.  

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,567 Posts
    Sun, Jan 19 2014 2:08 AM

    I am interested but not ,as an alternate


  • Daskino
    2,781 Posts
    Mon, Jan 20 2014 7:54 AM


    I nominate TallAcePaul for ROW captain.


  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Tue, Jan 21 2014 4:33 PM


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Jan 21 2014 5:03 PM

    Hi folks, apologies for my silence last couple of days. Just been busy trying to get a volunteer project finished (not quite done, but soon...)

    Current team pools:

    USA (14): Wesdogg75, natemakesaholein, devonnnnn, KyRock75, Iconian, deedles77, ColumbusStorm, bhoese, Woodoworkery, JimBech, Cygnus3000, SilentOmegaWolf, dougsda, dakotarov 

    ROW (12): Corwyn, Daskino, GladstoneScrewer, LOLserver, jsweetcr, TallAcePaul, Dazza501, johehejo & Fairwayruepel68 (last 2 via PM), fmagnets, SteveReilly, WigerToods2010

    Kurtsbuford is willing to be a US alternate, while dakotarov's signup took the US 'pool' to 14 already. oneeyedjohn also signed up (but as ROW's 13th player...)


    I have been in communication with several players regarding captaincies, and we should have news soon.

    I'm hoping to move things along speedily towards a start to this tourney next week if possible, and running late-January into mid-February. (This is earlier than first anticipated as we are no longer doing any qualification period, but instead running it as self-selected volunteer teams. Please post here if this earlier timeframe will be affect your participation).

    Please look out for Friend Requests coming your way, and also watch this thread for our official Sign-Up form (coming in the next day or two), on which you will indicate your preferred teammate for the Worst-Ball and Best-Ball series, and most important, your Time Availability. This is going to be the crucial part of making the tourney work. We will play our games against people who have stated they CAN play at that given time. The bane of all multiplayer tournies is trying to get people from different time zones together. We'll overcome that by sorting out availability at the beginning, and defining matches based on that. Anyone who's been a part of our Tough-It-Out and other UEL tournies will know how helpful this system is.

    We can still take provisional signups here in the thread, but please note that you will likely be an alternate at this point.

    Thanks, Corwyn

  • stevereilly
    5,910 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2014 5:24 AM

    Thanks Corwyn, i'll be looking out for the sign-up form.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2014 12:51 PM

    on which you will indicate your preferred teammate for the Worst-Ball and Best-Ball series

    Is it not up to the captains to pick their pairings?

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Jan 22 2014 1:01 PM

    Thanks Dazza!

    Indeed it will be up to the captains... but their task will be made easier if players indicate in advance if there are team-mates whom they know have good overlapping times (i.e. a friend with whom they may play regularly).

    My goal with this tourney is to prioritize scheduling that we know will work... and not to have a situation where 4 players with radically different schedules have to try and connect. That tends to stagnate most community tourneys.

    The Time Availability signup form should be ready by this evening... (frantically juggling lots of real-life stuff currently!!)