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Buying Credits

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Sat, Mar 6 2010 11:38 AM (8 replies)
  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Mon, Feb 22 2010 6:07 PM
    I have been having some trouble trying to buy credits. I fill out the page with all required information, but the transaction doesn't go through. Instead, that same page refreshes, with a message in red that says : 'Please address the following issues before proceeding: . could not update billing info, cardnumber validation failed.' I didn't put my information on when I first signed up here, and I'm having trouble trying to do it now. Was this supposed to be done when i signed up to WGT? Has anyone had a problem like this? Any ideas?
  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 9:42 AM

    Hi Bullpin.  You should be able to enter or change your billing information at any time.  It sounds like maybe you entered some of your card information incorrectly.  Can you please double-check, try again, and get back to us if you continue to have trouble?

  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 3:56 PM
    Thanks, found the problem. When it asked for the card number, i hit space where spaced on the card. I changed that and it worked out fine=). Thank you!
    701 Posts
    Tue, Feb 23 2010 4:29 PM

    Hey Bullpin,what ya fixing to buy?

    If it's an iron set or wedges or even a putter you might want to get some free advice buy asking how the community can help with your decision.The only way to know if you like the club(s) is to actually try them out,I agree.But by this point you have already purchased the club(s),like it or lump it kind of thing.Ask around you could find it useful.I wish I would have.

    Either way, good luck.

  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Thu, Mar 4 2010 5:55 PM


    Hey Bullpin,what ya fixing to buy?

    I have asked around, and many have said to start off slow, uograding little bits at a time. I statred with the Rapture driver and Daytona putter, as well as a couple sleeves of B-XD's. I haven't fully committed to a full set yet, so i'll ask around for ideas on irons, wedges, etc... My next move will either be irons or a 3W. What do you think I should get?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2010 5:42 AM

    My next move will either be irons or a 3W. What do you think I should get?

    Peep this before you decide............

  • bullpin
    630 Posts
    Fri, Mar 5 2010 7:23 PM


    My next move will either be irons or a 3W. What do you think I should get?

    Peep this before you decide............

    Knew I would get that response YJ. Once again, as I have stated this in another thread, I have read Nivlac's ( WGTNiv's as of late) chart of club comparisons. I have read it several times, I just want to see what successful players such as yourself bought when you were in my shoes. Thanks anyways, I'm open to all suggestions =).

    701 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 6:39 AM

    This is only an opinion Bullpin.

    If you can handle the meter speed being a little faster I'd ditch the Rapture driver and get the R9.

    I use the G 10 irons and don't carry a 3W.I use 4 wedges.I used to try and use the Rapture 3W to get a rare eagle but I was giving up some routine birdies, without the proper wedge.

    You got the right putter for sure.If you decide to get faster meter clubs you might want to think about the GI balls to try an even out the difference.

    If you want to compete with the better players you have to throw penny pinching out the window.The game changes with every piece of equipment we buy.So the sooner you put a set together the sooner you can fall into a routine because you know what the clubs in your bag will do for you.Each upgrade calls for a little more work,I know this is supposed to be fun,it will be once you get used to the new stuff.Good luck.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Mar 6 2010 11:38 AM

    I just want to see what successful players such as yourself bought when you were in my shoe

    bull-Good move on knowing that chart.

    I played the TMs from driver to wedge as a pro. I stayed with the same clubs as a master for a while  with the exception of getting a master driver-the 8.5 Taylor. I upgraded to the master TMs and played them for about 7 months until I switched to the Pings on the advice of many. The higher loft does makes a difference but they require more precise shooting. My meter speed has always been fast but you can slow it down with certain ball types.


    If you're stuck between irons and a 3W I think you'll get better scores with the better irons. That 3W will help you on a few holes but the better irons help you on every hole. GL