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Monitor - Bigger = easier?

Fri, Feb 5 2010 4:55 PM (39 replies)
  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 11:15 AM

    You can definitely "ding it" even when playing in the relatively tiny default-size pop-up window. It's largely a matter of habit and whatever suits you best.

    As I mentioned, full-screen gameplay was only introduced in the summer of 2009 or so, and everyone had to play in the "tiny" popup-window before that, which is smaller than even a 10-inch netbook full-screen gameplay window would be. For this reason, a large screen/monitor is by no means a necessity for excelling in this game. But I for one do find it more comfortable to hit the mark (or avoid a meter lag at the last split-second!) when playing in full-screen on a large monitor.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 11:21 AM

    Jayjon... I think the meter speed is relative to the screen size.  For example, on a full drive let's say it takes 1.5 seconds to go from the top of the swing to the "ding" point.  For illustration sake let's now look at WGT being played on something as large as a drive-in movie screen!  That bar still zips between those two points in 1.5 seconds.  Except on the huge screen it is now travelling about 30mph! 

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 11:35 AM

    Except on the huge screen it is now travelling about 30mph!

    However, it would seem that for me, personally, a 30mph meter on a huge screen would be easier to capture than a 1mph meter in the default-size popup-window. This preference may vary from player to player. But I do find it very comfortable to hit the mark when playing this game in full-screen on the 46-inch TV screen.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 11:50 AM

    Personally, I'm waiting for the new GI 8-S ball that'll make the meter slow down to a 20 second crawl.  Just think of the percentage of dings one could get.  Unless you're distracted by your opponent shouting "Hurry up!"

  • g433a
    28 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 4:46 PM

    Sorry to change the subject slightly, but more than once now I've read comments by people saying their opponents 'ding' the meter x% of the time. I've only played a couple of multiplayer games but I couldn't tell if the meter was 'dinged' or not.

    How do you tell?

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 4:51 PM

    It rings the bell, and the word EXCELLENT! appears.    You can only say that about your own shots, though, not about those by your opponents.

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 6:06 PM


    I upgraded recently and now play on a 24'' screen. WOW - is awesome :-)  

    For your info though  - I don't play in full screen mode. I play in the window if you like, to all intents and purposes its very close to full screen. Don't quote me on this, but I am led to believe that playing in full screen mode is more memory / processor hungary and may affect the game play performance.

    As for it being easier to "ding" the meter. I really don't think so - I, like a previous post think it is all relative. The meters physical screen size is bigger but the speed is, relatively speaking, much faster - so really I dont think there is any difference what so ever. 

    As for the general game play I have to say playing on the larger screen is awesome, and I think, for me anyway - helps my game for sure.

    Its a personal thing though. Some people like the smaller screen, some the larger.

    I'll give the larger screen the big thumbs up.

    Going off topic - sorry. I have 4 gigs of RAM and still get the ocassional meter spike, lag, stutter whatever. So - upgrading my machine and all has not improved that aspect of the game. I just live with it - its no big deal. Maybe when I'm a bit higher up the tree then I might change my mind ??

    Hope that helps ypu make up your mind.

    Cheers Doug


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Sun, Jan 31 2010 6:15 PM

    I have 4 gigs of RAM and still get the ocassional meter spike, lag, stutter whatever.

    That's more related to what background processes are running on your computer, rather than how much RAM you have. I only have 1GB of RAM and it's perfectly enough. However, if you (for example) keep a WGT webpage open while playing, and at the same moment when you're trying to hit the ball, your friends list on the webpage gets updated, or a Flash advertisement starts misbehaving / gets loaded in the background, things like this may indeed disturb the smoothness of your shot meter.

  • dorkfeatures
    712 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 3:00 AM

    @ Faterson,

    I have zero background processes running, close the initial game window, run gamebooster - what else is there to shut down - there is NOTHING running. My friends list is minimal and has no new entrys ??????????????????????????????

    I have the latest technology computer available, heaps of processor power, heaps of memory, 4 Gigs Ram - shut every possible program down, and I still get the meter spiking, stuttering etc.  Go figure ??

    Hey - I'm not complaining I just get on with it everyone else is doing the complaining lol 

    Sorry - we're off topic !!



  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Feb 1 2010 4:00 AM


    It rings the bell, and the word EXCELLENT! appears.    You can only say that about your own shots, though, not about those by your opponents.

    Not true Faterson.  Although I haven't personally used either, I know players using a voice chat product like Ventrillo or Skype can hear their opponents ring the bell.  Thus frequent, regular users of those products can easily track their playing partner's proficiency at ringing the bell and report same on the forums.