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Sun, Apr 21 2024 1:17 PM (9 replies)
  • rollone
    772 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 1:57 PM

    I accidentally gifted 850 credit balls and there is no way I intended to do that. It was last 3 holes of recent dragon showdown. My credits I labored to get are now gone. Arrghhhhh

  • WGTNico
    628 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 2:43 PM

    Hey, just refunded you those credits, thanks for letting us know! In the future, feel free to message me directly or contact customer support!


    I accidentally gifted 850 credit balls and there is no way I intended to do that. It was last 3 holes of recent dragon showdown. My credits I labored to get are now gone. Arrghhhhh


  • rollone
    772 Posts
    Tue, Feb 13 2024 2:58 PM

    Ok thank you! Realized now this prolly wasn't the right forum to post that in. Thanks again

  • rollone
    772 Posts
    Sat, Apr 20 2024 6:44 PM

    it happened again nico! i left a message on your wall thank you

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sat, Apr 20 2024 9:42 PM

    Maybe now it's time to revise your careless clicking (tapping) habit. 😉 I know, though... They cleverly placed the gift button at the end of a coinroom match so it's prone to press it if you aren't deliberately careful about it.

  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2024 6:12 AM

    Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, ..........

    There's a legitimate gripe for refunding someone's credits if there is a WGT glitch or honest mistake.  Not so sure there is if you are just carelessly clicking buttons.

    You've been a member since 2009 and didn't know they put this button there at the end of some coin games? (Oh wait, you do, because you've already clicked it once and found out what happened).  Since your CC motto is: "Come hack it up with the Broad Creek Pimps! 420 friendly and Spirits welcome", maybe consider some moderation before playing coin games?  People sometimes make poor choices when partaking in the 420 and/or Spirits 🤷‍♂️

  • rollone
    772 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2024 6:53 AM

    carelessly clicking buttons, partaking in 420 and or spirits? no mate afraid not. it was accidentally done. cant afford to gift 1000 credit balls. mistakes happen, but then again judging by your post i can see you must be perfect. 

  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2024 9:41 AM


    carelessly clicking buttons, partaking in 420 and or spirits? no mate afraid not. it was accidentally done. cant afford to gift 1000 credit balls. mistakes happen, but then again judging by your post i can see you must be perfect. 

    If you weren't carelessly clicking buttons how did you make an unintended purchase, not once but TWICE?

    And no, I'm far from perfect, but at least I did learn my lesson after the first time doing the same thing.  And when I did, I never came around asking for a refund.  I'm an adult so I paid my dues, learned my lesson and moved on. I assure you now that I've paid for that mistake I'll never make it again. 

    As to the Weed and Spirits, along with the Username, I probably made assumptions I shouldn't have, so do apologize for that.

  • rollone
    772 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2024 10:52 AM

    ill end this by saying that the gift option should be a default setting that i can choose to click off so it wont show up, but alas i know its just wishful thinking

  • BlackBogey
    369 Posts
    Sun, Apr 21 2024 1:17 PM


    ill end this by saying that the gift option should be a default setting that i can choose to click off so it wont show up, but alas i know its just wishful thinking

    I and many others would agree with you on this and it has been suggested many times.  Thing is, it's a revenue generator for WGT so it isn't gonna happen.  There are probably many, many who have clicked it and never even noticed, so that's just free $$$ to WGT.

    The thing that bugs me most about it is the greed.  I just lost a match to someone I know using 400 credit L48 balls the other day, and at the end was asked if I wanted to gift them a sleeve of 1475 credit Callaways - no thanks, I can't even afford to play those myself.  (And I followed up with the person afterwards and they were NOT even asked if they wanted to gift me anything).  Now if it had been for the same ball they were playing or something similar I might've considered it.  It would've been a win/win - my friend would've gotten a free sleeve, WGT would've made the easy 400 credits, and I would feel good about my generosity.