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consecutive days played

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Mon, Dec 25 2023 9:19 PM (19 replies)
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  • bruce033
    73 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2023 5:34 PM

    i had a streak of 2173 days end while i was on a cruise and couldn't connect with the satellite, tryed all day to connect. any chance someone can give me a mulligan for that day missed. thanks

  • AlaskanDame
    19,766 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2023 8:44 PM

    You should contact customer service directly.

  • bossbird
    2,253 Posts
    Tue, Dec 12 2023 5:26 AM

    They should reinstate your CDs they did mine last month when I had no electricity or mobile phone for a week following a severe storm. 

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Tue, Dec 12 2023 8:17 AM

    This is ridiculous!  Conscutive days means CONSECUTIVE days, not consecutive days with a few breaks in between, regardless of the reason or whose fault it is.  No wonder players are getting to level 100+ within a few weeks!  Makes Consecutive Days a pointless thing.

  • CaptRon48
    190 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 10:09 AM

    I was without internet 33 days last march/April  oh and was up in backwoods of Maine last July with no net and can I put in for week this June when I m in Canada?(sarc)

  • borntobesting
    9,753 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 4:04 PM

    It is best to contact WGTNico, He reset mine

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 5:15 PM


    This is ridiculous!  Conscutive days means CONSECUTIVE days, not consecutive days with a few breaks in between, regardless of the reason or whose fault it is.  No wonder players are getting to level 100+ within a few weeks!  Makes Consecutive Days a pointless thing.

    Well, aren't you just a bundle of sunshine and joy 🌞😄

    The OP had a CDP streak of almost 6 years going.  He tried to keep it going and couldn't, through no fault of his own.  WGT has an opportunity to exercise a little good will here, and, under the circumstances, I'm sure they will oblige if asked.

    Their good will towards the OP will cost you nothing.  Lighten up.

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Wed, Dec 13 2023 5:41 PM



    This is ridiculous!  Conscutive days means CONSECUTIVE days, not consecutive days with a few breaks in between, regardless of the reason or whose fault it is.  No wonder players are getting to level 100+ within a few weeks!  Makes Consecutive Days a pointless thing.

    Well, aren't you just a bundle of sunshine and joy 🌞😄

    The OP had a CDP streak of almost 6 years going.  He tried to keep it going and couldn't, through no fault of his own.  WGT has an opportunity to exercise a little good will here, and, under the circumstances, I'm sure they will oblige if asked.

    Their good will towards the OP will cost you nothing.  Lighten up.

    Regardless of what you think, CDP means CONSECUTIVE DAYS PLAYED, not consecutive days played "with breaks", "times I forgot to play", "my internet went down", "WGT was down", etc etc etc - that's no longer consecutive days!  So when they reach 4500 CDP like Kaliste, will the 'achievement' be justified?  I think not!  Their achievement means nothing!  It's like WGT changing someone's score from 36 to 27 because they just missed their putt on every hole!  EDIT:  I take back what I said in this paragraph, the 4500 CDP wasn't a CDP achievement either.

    And by the way, the OP has been here over 14 years, maybe WGT should give him back all  those days missed in the previous 8 years too!

  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2023 9:34 AM

    Regardless of what you think, CDP means CONSECUTIVE DAYS PLAYED, not consecutive days played "with breaks", "times I forgot to play", "my internet went down", "WGT was down", etc etc etc - that's no longer consecutive days!  So when they reach 4500 CDP like Kaliste, will the 'achievement' be justified?  I think not!  Their achievement means nothing!  It's like WGT changing someone's score from 36 to 27 because they just missed their putt on every hole!

    The player tried to login and play and couldn't as he was on a cruise ship.  He tried to login and couldn't so I think it's fair to reset his CDP.  I bet if you asked Listy she might have been reinstated at some point too.  If a player has played that long, and had an extended number of CDP, why wouldn't you believe him that he tried to play.  Now, if he was up all night on that ship, in the casino, picking up women, drinking themselves to oblivion, and just never thought of playing, well, then that's on him.  LOL

  • Kalliste
    1,415 Posts
    Thu, Dec 14 2023 4:46 PM

    In all honesty I have to admit that pmm711 is correct in his words.

    Yes I have been re-instated . I am not trying to hide the fact either. I really think that if you asked all players of the big long streak of CDP achievements I would guess that probably 90% have had day(s) given back to them on appeal.

    My story is this ::  

    I was driving home from work around 9pm one night with no phone nor a computer of any kind with me. I stopped due to road traffic accident and an older-aged pedestrian was in trouble after being involved in the said accident. I have some  first aid knowledge and I went to assist this person before any medical team arrived. 

    I managed to help and calm down the victim in her stress. Most people around were flapping about so I managed to take control of the situation. The medics arrived around 10 to 12 minutes later and the victim asked me if it was possible for me to go to the hospital with her. Obviously I did. I spent around 2 hours with her in the hospital and then I left to get a taxi back to my car.

    Eventually I arrived home and realised it was close to the dead-line for that day`s play on WGT. I switched on my PC and within a minute or so I logged on to WGT only to find I had missed that day`s play by around 2 minutes. I wont tell you my thoughts on here!

    Next day I contacted and explained my situation via email that I had just lost my CDP streak. In my haste I could not remember the exact number of days I had played consecutively. I told them it was around a certain number and that hopefully they could tell by my records etc etc. 

    Thanks to them I was given back the days lost and I was so grateful. However after checking recently I found my post in the forums where I had posted a screen shot of 4000 CDP on May 28th 2022 and it is there for anyone to check. Anyhow.... WGT did give me back the days but alas I was out 60 days from the rough guess I had given them.

    I am not moaning or complaining here just stating a fact. I am currently on 4505 CDP and if I had given the correct number to WGT when I missed by a couple of minutes that night helping a victim I would now be on 4563 days CDP. But hey, my fault entirely for missing the deadline to play and it was nobodies fault but mine. Yes I am probably now a `cheat` because I did miss that day`s play.

    That is my story and thanks for taking the time to read my story but in all honesty that night was my only `missed days play` in my long streak

    Kind regards to all,




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