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Sat, Dec 23 2023 11:54 AM (27 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Wed, Nov 29 2023 8:22 PM

     During this time, there is almost an equal amount of day/night time at all latitudes. 

    That ^ was Steph's quote in Mio's post

    So, er ah can you splain to me like I'm 5 why Alaska has the saying, "the land of the midnight sun" as a nickname?

    There is no way the planet has the same amount of light at all latitudes, ever. It is against the laws of physics that guide our universe. Unless you believe in a flat earth... Then that would be a viable explanation.

    We live on a globe, 1/2 is dark while at the very same time (hard to belive) the other half is lit by the suns rays that do not encompass the entire planet. I know this to be fact when I travel to China.

    In New Jearsey I leave at 5:00 pm. I actualy travel into the future, arriving in Beijing at 5:00 am the previous day

    The equator actually get LESS sun than the rest of the planet, go figure.

    Earths axis ALWAYS points in the same direction no mater its position. It tilts as someone said, some amount of slight deflection giving us the seasons.

    The Short Answer: Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun's most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere

    I said, "the earth tilts on its axis", which it has done since I have been hold up on this wretched rock. 

    All this mumbo jumbo aside, it was good to see some healthy retorts.

    I found out through a study yesterday that 40% of the people walking around, are thinking of NOTHING.    YIKES... I admit if this is true, I now know why we are where we are at this moment in time.

    "The sun will come out tomorrow, you can bet your bottom dollar"......

    Image result for annie pics


  • AnaNikolaj
    639 Posts
    Wed, Nov 29 2023 9:27 PM

    whereas we all know it is flat, except for some hills here and there which doesn't make it totally flat


    Sooooo, what you're saying is Earth is an A cup? 

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Nov 30 2023 2:06 AM


    Why do the sun and the stars and the planets  rotate arouund the Earth?   Is iit because we are the centre of the Universe?



  • HamdenPro
    2,442 Posts
    Thu, Nov 30 2023 8:02 PM


    So, er ah can you splain to me like I'm 5 why Alaska has the saying, "the land of the midnight sun" as a nickname?

    There is no way the planet has the same amount of light at all latitudes, ever. It is against the laws of physics that guide our universe. Unless you believe in a flat earth... Then that would be a viable explanation.

    I do not know if I can explain it like you are 5. Therefore, I asked a 5 year old and she said Alaska is called the Land of the Midnight Sun" because, for over two months, during summer, in the northernmost part of Alaska, the sun does not set at all.

    As for the rest, I did not say there is the same amount of light at all latitudes. However, during the 2 equinoxes, the amount of sun is almost equal at all latitudes!

    You really should come to a druid riot   I mean rally next summer.


  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Dec 5 2023 4:23 PM


  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Wed, Dec 6 2023 2:35 AM

    I have the feeling that in 50 or 100 years all these will be ''middle ages'' thanks to JWST. Whoever follows daily the news, pictures, information from James Webb telescope, understands what i am saying. To make the long story short, the scientists have to re write many many things and formulate many new theories.



    I am not talking as an expert (way far from it) but as a passionate fan of astronomy.

  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Thu, Dec 7 2023 6:40 AM
    The sun set on America’s northernmost town for the final time this year in late November, as the Arctic Circle now experiences ‘polar nights’. Utqiaġvik, Alaska, will now not experience a sunrise until 23 January 2024 at around 1.09pm local time and will be visible for about an hour. The amount of daylight in the town will then steadily grow through the spring season, reaching the point of ‘midnight sun’ during the summer. And, you guessed it, that’s when Utqiaġvik will experience the opposite of winter; 24 whole hours of sunlight a day. This annual phenomenon of the polar night is when the sun remains below the horizon due to the tilt of the Earth.
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Dec 7 2023 8:40 AM

    The sun set on America’s northernmost town for the final time this year in late November, as the Arctic Circle now experiences ‘polar nights’. Utqiaġvik, Alaska, will now not experience a sunrise until 23 January 2024 at around 1.09pm local time and will be visible for about an hour. The amount of daylight in the town will then steadily grow through the spring season, reaching the point of ‘midnight sun’ during the summer. And, you guessed it, that’s when Utqiaġvik will experience the opposite of winter; 24 whole hours of sunlight a day. This annual phenomenon of the polar night is when the sun remains below the horizon due to the tilt of the Earth.

    Craig...thousands of "cut and paste" posts of trivia...some are even relevant to the thread you post them

    ....where the hell do you find it all?

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Thu, Dec 7 2023 11:09 AM

    Be very careful what you believe to be true from the Astrophysicists community. Please remember that all you hear or read, is CONJECTURE

    Yes, the new JWST is awesome. However, upon review of its first captures, they admitted they could see FAR BEYOND the big bang. They were so excited to have another realm to which to apply for more grant monies to continue their conjecture, that they forgot what the implications may be

    They LIED about everything......

    They STFU right after admitting that the big bang was essentially NOT the beginning of the universe. 

    Insert Homer Simpson here.... Doh

    Their "dark matter" is my hydrogen

    "What's pushing the galaxies further into the void? Hydrogen

    "What's at the "singularity" of a black hole? Hydrogen

    When they invent the "Scooty Puff Jr." & you can buy one to traverse the vastness of space then & only then, will I start to believe in what I can SEE for myself.

    They have bamboozled EVERYONE & will continue into perpetuity with their pre-dicktions of what's out there to insure their own existence.

    IT'S SCIENCE..........................With BS

    Hard to believe by billions & also, the reason we are in the pre-dickament we're in currently.

    The non-believers, not the science. I have to clarify because I just found out that 40% of the inhabitants on this orb don't think of anything in their heads, all day & night long.

    Perhaps another reason for the quandary...

    Image result for scooty puff jr     Scooty Puff Jr.


  • craigswan
    31,287 Posts
    Thu, Dec 7 2023 2:18 PM
    The Moon is omnipresent, just like stars and planets, but we typically can't see it with the naked eye during the day because the sky is so bright, as is the Sun's blaze.