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Newest Update Won't Load MacBook Pro

Sun, Dec 17 2023 12:56 PM (43 replies)
  • UVBLUE47
    1,049 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 8:57 AM

    Won't let me download game...MAC OS 11.7

  • banditone
    145 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 10:23 AM

    not working on my windows 10 

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 10:43 AM

    For Windows only, try a reset, banditone.

  • banditone
    145 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 11:24 AM

    comes up in wgt launcher exe wgt golf game does not exist 

  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 12:43 PM

    Okay, might be a sledgehammer to crack a nut approach, but try my reinstall procedure.

    ⇩ @Mark, you're right it won't because the above procedure is not for Mac's. I don't believe game has a proper uninstall feature. When you do uninstall on a Windows machine you are only uninstalling the launcher, unless you follow my reinstall procedure above. If you know where to look on your PC, you can still play the game after you've supposedly uninstalled it! ⇩

  • MarkMark60
    5 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 2:38 PM

    No it won't, I've deleted and reinstalled twice and still leaves me with a solid black screen on OSX

  • antlerdancer
    1 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 3:13 PM

    Me too.I get ERROR:golf.exe does not exist

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 4:01 PM

    My issue is I went to edit equipment screen to change ball and I get popup about changing equipment automatically. Saying it would put in your "best" equipment automatically. gave choice normal or advanced. I guessed normal I think all I know is I noticed my hybrid had appeared and third wedge was gone and now cant seem to drop hybrid for wedge

    Go to your settings and change CUSTOMIZE EQUIPMENT to Advanced.  Then you should be able to replace your hybrid with a 3rd wedge.

  • CaptRon48
    186 Posts
    Wed, Sep 27 2023 4:24 PM

    I tried that still cant switch. Thanks for jogging my memory though.Im getting concerned .

  • Robert1893
    7,699 Posts
    Thu, Sep 28 2023 5:54 AM

    I did, but it still won't load on Os Sonoma 14.0

    Last night, I installed Sonoma and have had no problems with the game. But I'm using the app version (i.e., downloaded from App store) rather than the downloadable version (i.e., the .dmg download) available here.

    Which one are you using?