Nope, it was just a black & white still picture (back in the late 70's), no grid, and you had to put your own crosses on it. They did bring out a stamp you could use with (I think) 250 crosses on it which you could use on the picture. The advantage of that was that the crosses were much smaller than one done freehand in pen, so you could get many more crosses in a small area.

I think the above is from a newspaper, but I remember doing the Littlewoods one.
Having done a little googling, I've just seen that there were versions that had a grid on them, but I've never seen that before. The problem with having a grid is that the squares would have to be extemely small as the golf ball is small. And the fun part of Spot the Ball, apart from the winning of course, was putting the crosses on. We will continue without the grid :)