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Spot the Golf Ball

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Tue, Jul 18 2023 3:17 PM (37 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 12:28 PM

    Nope, it was just a black & white still picture (back in the late 70's), no grid, and you had to put your own crosses on it.  They did bring out a stamp you could use with (I think) 250 crosses on it which you could use on the picture.  The advantage of that was that the crosses were much smaller than one done freehand in pen, so you could get many more crosses in a small area.

    I think the above is from a newspaper, but I remember doing the Littlewoods one.

    Having done a little googling, I've just seen that there were versions that had a grid on them, but I've never seen that before.  The problem with having a grid is that the squares would have to be extemely small as the golf ball is small.  And the fun part of Spot the Ball, apart from the winning of course, was putting the crosses on.  We will continue without the grid  :)

  • pmm711
    5,790 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 1:06 PM

    X X X X X X X X X X marks the spots

    If 700 width is better...

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 1:28 PM

    It is called "Spot the Golf Ball", not "choose a square".

    Hehe. Got to make it easy for your customers otherwise they won't take part.

    It's a great idea but I think it's a bit too involved.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 4:56 PM

    It really is not that complicated

    Says the tech- savvy youngster, to one of the all-time prolific posters of self-help, through HMLT manipulation...

    As for me, splane it like I'm a 5 year old

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 5:39 PM

    Well I might not understand said " Find " .  still looking for signs and the other Squatch ( word is there is a 2nd ) not that that has something to do with the other . 

    I can not spot said ball  ,  no mater what square I click I only see a X 



    XXX                 XXX 

                                                       XZX   XXXXX



                              XX                                                                           XX

    EDIT :   should I look next to the bench ?

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Thu, Jul 13 2023 11:58 PM

    We will continue without the grid  :)

    Okay Mio, no worries.  ; )

    Can I offer a few tips to ease the process...

    There's a quicker way to deal with images.

    1. Right click on Mio's picture and copy image.
    2. In Paint or your chosen graphics program, CTRL + V (paste)
    3. Once you have drawn your exes on the picture, CTRL + A (select all) then CTRL + C (copy).
    4. On the Postimages website, CTRL + V (paste) then copy the direct link to paste your image here.
  • craigswan
    32,228 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2023 3:54 AM
    I remember DAddys Kat superbowl squares . You just picked a number .
  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2023 5:43 AM

    Scott - thanks for that.  I was going to do a video myself, but i use OBS so infrequently that I'd sort of put it off doing for the time being.

    I hadn't realised you could just paste the image onto the PostImages website.  The only thing I don't like about it is that it uploads it as a .png file... even though the source is a .jpg file.  It means the resulting picture is a much bigger size.  But I guess it's no big deal - after I've copied the competition files to my computer and judged them all I'll just delete the files.

    I'll change the instructions for the next one.  Can I link to your youtube video?

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2023 9:24 AM

    Cheers Mio, I thought Paint or any graphics program would've defaulted to exporting an image in the same format as the imported image, but I got that wrong.

    Yes, of course you can link to my video.  ; )

  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Fri, Jul 14 2023 1:50 PM

    Just so you all know, in this test run no one put a cross where the ball was.  DodgyPutter was the closest.

    To be honest, it will be very difficult to pick the exact spot because the ball is so small; it was difficult enough with the official Spot the Ball game where the ball was a football (soccer ball).

    I read the other day that back in it's heyday 3 million people would enter the Littlewoods Spot the Ball each week.  Numbers began to decline in 1994 when the National Lottery started in the UK.  By 2015 only 14,000 people were doing it each week. And the jackpot, which was only paid out if you hit the centre of the ball, hadn't been paid out since 2004 - that's 11 years without anyone putting a cross on the centre of the ball, so I think the chances of getting it here was very slim, particularly with only 4 entries.  But... once the competition starts proper I'll be giving out prizes for the nearest attempt, with possibly an additional prize if anyone actually marks the ball.