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Spot the Golf Ball

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 18 2023 3:17 PM (37 replies)
  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 9:32 AM

    Whilst playing HP's "find the bench" game, I had the thought of another potential game.  I don't know if there is any such game outside of the UK, but those in the UK will know all about Spot the Ball, a gambling game where you have to mark on a still photo with a cross where you think the ball is at that precise moment in a football (soccer) game.  I've wondered if I can do something similar here (but without the gambling aspect).

    I think I've managed to do it (i.e. remove the ball from the screenshot), so I'd like to have a trial run to see if the game is viable.  For this first attempt there will be no prizes, bragging rights only, but if I feel the game will work without cheating I will offer prizes for future weeks.


    • Right click on the picture and click on "Save Image As...", then save it to your desktop with whatever name you want.  Please save it as type JPEG (rather than PNG, BMP, etc) as it is a much smaller file than any other type.
    • Open your saved image in Paint (right click on your saved image file then left click on Open With..., then select Paint (free software in Windows)) ready to place your crosses.  Please use Paint and not any other software so that everyone does the same, and it will make judging the winner easier.
    • Select the Line shape (1st shape) from the Shapes section in the toolbar.
    • Select the thinnest line from the Size section in the toolbar.  This must be done after selecting the Line shape otherwise the line thickness will go back to the default size, which it too thick.
    • Now proceed to draw a cross using 2 diagonal lines where you think the golf ball is.  Don't make the lines too long so that they cross other crosses.
    • Each person is allowed 10 crosses per picture (only one picture entry per person).  If there are more than 10 crosses the entry will be void.  Less than 10 crosses is an acceptable entry..
    • Once you have placed all your crosses, save your picture.
    • Upload your picture to an image hosting site.  I recommend as it is free and the images don't carry a watermark like many other image hosting sites.
    • Post your uploaded image into this thread using the URL in Direct Link by using the Insert Media icon on the forum edit toolbar.

    So, now that you have all the instructions, here's the trial photo.

    Wgt's first full course was Kiawah Island, so our first Spot the Golf Ball competition will be from that course - tee shot on hole #9:

    Please be aware, my posts are being moderated, so replies might take a while to get posted.

  • HamdenPro
    2,529 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 10:02 AM

    Like this?

    700 seems a little wide...just sayin'

  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 11:28 AM

    That's perfect HP.  The reason I used 700 was to give everyone a bigger picture.  I will copy each person's image to my desktop, and the larger image will make it easier to judge.

    Like I said, this is a trial run, so I'm happy to take suggestions

  • craigswan
    32,228 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 11:53 AM

    Good idea Mio but being a non computer guy i am bowing out of this .

    Will come back to play when i can copy and paste .

    Good luck with your plan .

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 12:04 PM

    Lol, similar and a draw a cross :-)

    Oops no idea how I got the full pic HP, bumbling incompetence.  Could you delete your quote.

    Edit Edit:  The course map is on your pic' too. I was already confused now I need to lie down.  spotb — Postimages (


  • HamdenPro
    2,529 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 12:11 PM

    Could you delete your quote.

    Where did you get the full pic of Mio's?


    Why make all those crosses far left of where he is aiming, given you have the course overview showing the direction of the drive?

    Let me guess, you believe he missed the ding short by a few inches? That seems dodgy to me.

    EDIT: Quote deleted at Dodgy's request (as quoted)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 12:12 PM

    By the way well done selecting the 9th, the 1st to about the 4th I may have done some research :-)

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 12:17 PM


    Why make all those crosses far left of where he is aiming, given you have the course overview showing the direction of the drive?

    Let me guess, you believe he missed the ding short by a few inches? That seem dodgy to me.

    Lol, the accuracy of my entry wasn't my focus I was fully concentrated on the process.

    Besides the whole point of spot the ball is that it's very very rarely in the obvious place, smarty-pants ;-)    

    Edit:  Actually, probably less true with this version but I never like to pass up an opportunity to type/say smarty-pants.

  • ScottHope
    10,624 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 1:22 PM

    Hope this qualifies Mio. Great idea!

    P.S. I didn't use MS Paint so you can void my entry if you want.  : )

  • MioKontic
    4,659 Posts
    Wed, Jul 12 2023 2:06 PM

    All entries so far I have been able to save to my desktop and judge accurately, so even though they've not all followed my instrucitons for posting, they are all acceptable.

    No one has hit the ball yet.  That's all I'm going to say for now.

    HP - if you save my original photo to your computer you will have the full picture too... which you did.

    Craig - why not try following my instructions, that way you can tell me if you don't understand something and I can maybe change it so that other non-computer-literate people can have a go too.