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Tue, Feb 27 2024 4:57 PM (91 replies)
  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 6:12 AM

    So we have our final scorecard (not the one we see) and we may play holes 10-12 first but they are filled in in that position on there, our final scorecard.

    This is my belief in how it must work...

    Roughly in the middle I'd expect a score of -14 or -15 if Jure is right and it sounds more like -17 or -18 was why I wondered.  It won't prove anything but would be an indication.

    If anyone had Adamverrill, Hutasadorn, C2theody or stars800 in their elimination round could they let me know what they scored please. 

    None of those in my round but....

    50th spot was -15 and -14 was 51st in my elimination round, -19 was top 5 spots, next 8 were -18 and 11 ties for -17 Don't know if this helps with your figuring or not.

    EDIT: you probably already know all this as I just realized I was in same elim round as "AnaNikolaj"

  • AnaNikolaj
    652 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 7:02 AM


    Well, I see your point, but it could exclude 2&3 for the quallie and 2 for the elim... Still better than needing to be lucky to get a good order of 3-hole sets. Don't really see the point of comparing scores from different courses... 

    Jure this is what I was saying to you at the start of the PM's.

    What if we do, as far as the final scoreboard is concerned, all play the holes in the same order.  For practical reasons, mainly the time it'd take finding someone else at the same stage at the same time or someone just playing that room, we can't actually do that. 

    So we have our final scorecard (not the one we see) and we may play holes 10-12 first but they are filled in in that position on there, our final scorecard.

    @ Duphpherer, you said "After the veteran elimination round, I was tied for the lead along with 4 others."  and in the final round you were roughly in the middle of the -13's.  Roughly in the middle I'd expect a score of -14 or -15 if Jure is right and it sounds more like -17 or -18 was why I wondered.  It won't prove anything but would be an indication.

    We could sort this, at least whether Jure is right or not ,(Stupidly I don't think so when I can't think of a single other case where that's been true)  If anyone had Adamverrill, Hutasadorn, C2theody or stars800 in their elimination round could they let me know what they scored please. 


    Yeah, the only way this would be fair is if you're correct and the scorecard we're seeing as ours is registering on WGT servers in the same hole order for everyone, which is completely different to the one we're seeing on our scorecard and actually played. Which is what you were saying all along and I sure hope you're right. Not sure if we'll ever know that though, unless someone from WGT explains it.


    P. S. : Not the 1st time I'd be wrong, we can go through the list of my exes... 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 7:05 AM


    50th spot was -15 and -14 was 51st in my elimination round, -19 was top 5 spots, next 8 were -18 and 11 ties for -17 Don't know if this helps with your figuring or not.

    EDIT: you probably already know all this as I just realized I was in same elim round as "AnaNikolaj"

    I think somethings wrong there.  Ana was in my elim group and some -12's went through.  That's very tight grouping, 5 shots from top to missing the cut, just goes to show how important the tie breaker is.

    Thanks for looking. 

  • AnaNikolaj
    652 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 7:08 AM

    Alan's right, we were in the elim and I think Puregro was in the same final group as I was. 

  • Duphpherer
    490 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 7:57 AM

    Hey DP, In conclusion of the elimination round, someone took the solo lead with a crushing minus 21. Group of 6, which included myself, ended tied for 2nd at minus 18. It put me 5th overall. 


    Random luck plays a big part. Can't say I'm thrilled about it for fairness. 

    I was in your final section and I did have at least one windy set although as far as I can remember all the 5's were reachable in two, even if not always very close to the pin.

    What did you score in the elimination, just trying to work out tie-break rules.



  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 8:14 AM

    Not sure if we'll ever know that though, unless someone from WGT explains it.

    We will and they won't :-) 

    I was watching almost at the end of the Showdown a couple of players I expected to see shoot up the leader-board at the last moment were shooting up the leader-board at the last moment.  (How can you know you'll get games to do that I wonder).  Anyway one of them got to -17 after 15 and finished top of the -19's, I find that unlikely, admittedly not impossible,  under what is generally thought to happen.

    @puregro, so it's the round before I'm looking for their scores, that way I can see how we'd be ordered in the final round tie-break with the system Ana talked about.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Apr 25 2023 11:44 AM

    Hey DP, In conclusion of the elimination round, someone took the solo lead with a crushing minus 21. Group of 6, which included myself, ended tied for 2nd at minus 18. It put me 5th overall.

    Well it doesn't completely rule it out but I can't see the five (I think, it may have been four) others in our league that finished on -13 that were placed above you all having scored -18 or better in the eliminator. For me it, and similar things with my scores, makes the three rounds of the Showdown being the "rounds" referred to in the rules unlikely.

    If it is the sets of three we don't know for sure whether it's the last set of three as we play our rounds (therefor a random three holes) or the same holes for all of us.  The Showdown results have gone now so I'll give up until the next one but this could be worked out.

    The easiest way I see is if I/we (the more the better) note/remember what we do in the qualifier, where there are only nine holes.  Meaning what order we played the courses and what we scored on each.  We could then look at our ties in the qualifier and hopefully find some of their qualifying scores.  Ideally we'd need to know how their score broke down, so someone we knew would be handy but enough wall posts may get one reply at least. 

    Or...what does it matter? :-) 


  • AnaNikolaj
    652 Posts
    Fri, Apr 28 2023 7:46 AM

    Alan, we could probably co-ordinate entering the next one in the same group. Let's say we set a goal to end on - 6. The 1st one tries to score - 2 in every set and reports the score and the hole order. The other one then scores the same - 6, but with a - 1 in their last set. Or, if possible, getting - 3 on 1st 2 sets and par on the last. Depending on the outcome, we can either confirm your theory or try again next time. I think the quallie round is the best for this, cause you can control who you're playing with (if we agree to enter at the same time, we'll almost certainly be in the same group). And you can toy around with scores with less care...



    Although I have to say, given some evidence lately, I no longer trust the tie-breaker that much. There was a bracket semi, where my opponent and I both scored the same - 9, with no eagles in the activities for either of us, so 9 birdies each over 9 holes. When I finished mine and the leaderboard showed up, his score was already visible, meaning that unless he finished his round in those exact few second it takes to get from the last putt to the leaderboard display, he posted his score before me. But I was the one to get through to the final, which shouldn't happen, if the correct tie-break rules were applied...