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WGT Nico Q&A - 1/27

Mon, May 8 2023 12:31 PM (236 replies)
  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2023 12:06 PM

    Those increments/scales still exist.  They are the distance a full 100% hit would travel on a 10 green that is flat, when using each scale.  They really aren't increments per sey.  What your are talking about is putter movements and there were a different distance in each scale.  What your are showing is putter scales, not increments.

    Here is an example-on both the 15 and 30 foot scales there were 6.5 movements, from 0 to 15/30. The 45/60 had 10 movements.  The 90/100 had 13.  The 150 had 11,  I don't have the 300, as I never had to putt from that distance.  That all changed with PCEA, a very fast 10 green became a divide by 1.0

  • craigswan
    32,241 Posts
    Tue, Feb 14 2023 1:11 PM

    What about this .


    Up to 80% of your revenue can come from the same 20% of customers; let them know they’re appreciated .

    Loyalty is not about just giving away free products to customers. It’s about building relationships -  making sure they feel valued through automatic rewards for their custom to keep coming back to you..

    Birthday Campaign – automatically give customers a present just from you

    Lapsed Customers – get customers back in after they haven’t visited for a while

    First Transaction Bonus – give customers a great reason to get started with your loyalty program

    Frequent Customer Bonus – make sure your very best customers know it .

    Stamp Loyalty

     the classic loyalty system designed for low priced items with high frequency purchases.


    Credit Back Loyalty

    Offer a percentage back to customers on each purchase that they make .


    Discount Loyalty

    Offer an immediate discount with the option to offer higher and lower discounts to different customers .

    My birthday is 28th july - every year .

  • bossbird
    2,257 Posts
    Thu, Feb 16 2023 3:07 AM



    I'm trying to send the "WGT Legend GI2-SD2 Balls (L30+/Legend+)" balls to a friend. I'm TL tier, and my friend is C tier. The Purchase button is active, but the Gift button is greyed out for me. I sent a message to WGT support that I was not able to gift the balls, but their reply was that it was a known problem. Is there any way, you can get this fixed, or at least provide a workaround?


    You have never been able to gift tier specific balls sadly. Now whether WGT have any plans to change this , is unknown , it’s been suggested many times as has gifting apparel , but seems to fall on deaf ears.

  • okiechuck
    7,761 Posts
    Fri, Mar 3 2023 9:29 PM


    I think we can make some adjustments to the chat size to both mobile/PC versions of the game someday

    I would like to see the game chat board in the App reduced to take up less space while trying to watch the game.


    Thanks for making it a bit smaller but, it still covers half the page. It doesn't require much space to write gs,vns, nb, ty, yw, etc. A 2 by 3 box would be ample. Just sayin'


  • Lesthanpar
    1,511 Posts
    Tue, Apr 18 2023 12:50 PM

    I see there is only 1 stroke play ready go with a 10 credit entry fee now and there used to be 2. There is the same 10 credit CTTH. I enjoy playing these and wonder if this is a permanent change and if so why? I enjoy playing these and miss having it available.

  • Imahacker58
    375 Posts
    Sun, Apr 23 2023 2:11 AM

    A lot of players (well just a couple of regulars) on the WGT discord channel were on about having tour legend only ready goes and after a while nico agreed to do it, but only 100 and 200 credit rg’s, and the 200 at SA has high winds and championship greens so after 2 weeks open still only 37 have signed up, whilst the 100 at Congo I think is on its second go round and three quarter full. So instead of 2 x 10cr rg’s going at about 10 per day each catering for 500 players approximately per day we have the 2 TL which in two weeks have attracted about 125 participants so far. I’m not doing the math on that but I think it means a significant drop in ball hits to cater to a vocal minority.

    I have to disclose that I frequently play 10, 25 and 50 credit rg’s but have very little interest to enter higher fee tournaments. Call me cheap, I prefer realistic, lol.