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Green speed doesn’t match the posted stomp speed

Mon, Jan 16 2023 12:26 AM (16 replies)
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  • Squiregreener0
    4 Posts
    Wed, Dec 28 2022 11:44 AM

    Have been playing Bracket tournaments and usually will play a “few” practice rounds using the Wind and Greenspeed indicated in the details for a future round. Again today, just finished St George and the putts for the first 2-3 holes were short. When practicing the speed generally is pin high, or within a few inches past the hole. So…and this is not the first time I’ve experienced this, is it possible the adjustment to the (computer) game are not what is indicated? Opinions would help!

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2022 12:21 PM

    It's hard to tell without having any details on the conditions you had, but I don't remember experiencing such a thing myself. Wish you better luck next time. Cheers.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2022 2:06 PM

    Yes it happens often. You can test it yourself, easily too.


    Go to practice mode and engage the putt preview. See where the ball has gone. Then try hitting exactly the same power dinging obviously (i recommend something like 10-20-30% which is easily obtainable) and see where the ball ends up....sometimes will be short, others long.

    Not talking here about high winds which affect severely the putts, just try low winds.


    Another thing to mention is that WGT from time to time changes the pace of the greens and the numbers do not corrispond exactly.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Thu, Dec 29 2022 7:29 PM

    Another thing to mention is that WGT from time to time changes the pace of the greens and the numbers do not corrispond exactly.

    Ah, this one yes, I've experienced.

    Putts going a few inches past the hole during practice rounds but coming up short during ranked ones is unheard of, though.

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2022 6:32 AM

    Putts going a few inches past the hole during practice rounds but coming up short during ranked ones is unheard of, though.

    It does make sense in that as a newer player your more likely to putt aggressively in practice rounds and dialing back slightly in ranked games.

  • oohaahh
    376 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2022 6:18 PM

    If you were playing St George's were you putting into strong winds? (they're rarely low on that course!). If you were it could explain it if you're hitting dead weight the strong winds can stop a ball pretty well.

    Dead weight putts can be tricky and, particularly on slower greens, it's probably worth putting to go a little beyond the hole to make sure you reach.

  • jacktrade51
    11,079 Posts
    Fri, Dec 30 2022 7:48 PM

    Minor comment here:  Green speeds have a description (Champ, Tournament, VF, Fast, etc. and a number.  In club tournaments, Champ is 13, Tournament is 12, VF is 10, and so on.  That is what WGT gave us.

    When WGT sets up the tournament they can deviate.  I have seen Champ between 14.5-12 speed, Tournament from 12.5 to 11.5, VF from 10.2 to 9.5, etc.  Minor differences maybe, but not so minor especially on higher speeds and downhill putts.

    So always check the number, not just the description.



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