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Conspiracy Theory

Sun, Oct 30 2022 6:16 PM (123 replies)
  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 4:22 AM


    Can any of you golfing kin explain why I'm being forced to quit games when I never pressed the quit button?

    Sorry I can't, but...

    You've got a very interesting collection of friends, THAT I can tell you. LOL 

    Good catch Simon. Lol. Now its up to WGT.

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 4:36 AM

    You've got a very interesting collection of friends, THAT I can tell you. LOL 

    They could almost be within the rules we have now, almost. The first activity mentioned on all the profiles is renting the L2 driver, "A" is the date that happened (probably the date the account was opened, but wgt hide that from us now).  "B" is the date they last played.

    Another thing is that although the avatars all look like something out of Cobra Kai (and I certainly don't mean the CC) there are two different ones marked # and ~.  If there were two players there'd only be an issue on the 12th/13th.  That said there are two distinct formulas to the names too and that would suggest 6,7 and 8 as on group and the others as the second, a fair bit of overlap there.  

                  A                       B

    6 ~       04/07                 07/07

    7   #     06/07                 09/07

    8   #     10/07                 13/07

    9   ~     08/07                 11/07

    10   #   12/07                 22/07

    I1    ~   14/07                 29/07

    I think they've been banned anyway, probably not on apple device(s).

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 5:33 AM

    It seems a lot of multi accounters don't even try to hide it.  If I were wgt, I would take that as a personal

  • callaghan159
    6,263 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 9:09 AM

    I would take that as a personal

    I'm insulted. I think I will go to San Fran and protest with Placard. Wonder if they will let me across the border.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 9:45 AM

    Good catch Simon. Lol. Now its up to WGT.



    What a keen observation! 👍


    It seems a lot of multi accounters don't even try to hide it.  If I were wgt, I would take that as a personal

    LOL Your comment reminded me of this.

    I'm insulted. I think I will go to San Fran and protest with Placard. Wonder if they will let me across the border.

    I just hope I wouldn't see you here on TV. LOL

    It's CBP that might stop you, not CBSA but still... 😁

    The TV program's got a great (and perfect!) opening theme by the way.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 10:50 AM

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 11:20 AM

    Airplane! LOL Good one, Yiannis! 😆

  • Yiannis1970
    3,277 Posts
    Thu, Sep 29 2022 12:28 PM

    Already had my laughs with your 2 pics Simon!!!



  • petrieboy
    439 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 6:43 AM

    well said. nothing like the old version, not even close.

  • RyjaTybas
    5,148 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2022 10:49 AM

    An interesting thread - and its correct that a perfect ding is not critical - as mildly late or early can sometimes work well with the wind - or green speed/slope.

    But WGT have never explained the game mechanics in any detail - such as which variables come into play and when - leading to uncertainty and sometimes frustration.

    I think there is an element of randomness included in the algorithms - and even the randomness is random - which at least keeps the game interesting - as I can never be sure how the next shot will work out.