First off . The topic in question for conspiracies is COIN's . Which has nothing to do with stats . A very grey area at that . Or unknown enough to stir up questions .
More disparity and seemingly inequities than any other format . Definitely quite suspicious .
True, and I did say this...
TheDudemeister69:There are likely algorithms in the game
that try to level the playing field a bit in H2H games...
What I find in the coin rooms, though, is that the players who complain the most vociferously that the game is fixed, and/or calling out "BS", "WTF", etc. in the chat... are often less-skilled players, as evidenced by their stats.
I just don't encounter a lot of low-tier players doing suspiciously well in the coin rooms - not the ones I play in, anyway. Maybe in the lowest/highest rooms there is more happening behind the scenes, but I don't see it in the middle rooms that I play in.
There's a bit too much harping about the game being fixed, etc., in my opinion. It comes off as disrespectful to the people that actually play the game decently, as if implying that someone is only winning a game because the game is fixed. When someone beats you in a coin room game, it is entirely possible that they might actually be better than you. Often it's no more complicated than that.
Sure, the game seems to give amateurs extra forgiveness, makes the hole seem 8" wide for them at times, and even lets amateurs pull off amazing shots... that all levels the playing field a bit. But in my experience, a higher-skilled player with better equipment still wins the vast majority of times.