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Discord or Discontent?

Mon, Sep 26 2022 1:40 AM (86 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,427 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 5:29 AM

     Appreciate the edit of your post Craig, thank you. It was considerate.



  • Kittykat2017
    528 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 6:19 AM


  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 7:26 AM


    As for's appropriately named.  It sows discord.

    Whoever thought up the name didn't do a very good job.

    Ya, Just imagine where they would be with a better

    As of 2021, the service has over 350 million registered users and over 150 million monthly active users. Discord had at least 350 million registered users across its web and mobile platforms.

    It was used by 56 million people every month, sending a total of 25 billion messages per month.  As of 2021, the service has over 140 million monthly active users.

  • pmm711
    5,538 Posts
    Thu, Sep 1 2022 11:13 AM


     Appreciate the edit of your post Craig, thank you. It was considerate.


    Yeah Steff...he edited his way out of this one...


  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 7:14 AM

    Realizing that the game, from the start, was not a true simulation of the game, in a sense, it was always "Mickey Mouse", without the cartoon effects (a new product recently rolled out by TopGolf). Anyone can try out other golf simulation games and decide which is better or preferred. 

    I tried the old wgt and preferred that.  All this like it or lump it stuff is nonsense; we are customers and fully entitled to complain about the direction the game is taking/has taken. Incidentally I don't believe it's about flash going, they brought over what they wanted to.

    The game may never have been a "true simulation", but it was a lot closer in the past.  The first VUSO was won with a 66 at BB and was played off shorter tees, we've also had uel.  As wgt have wanted to sell more and more equipment the new stuff obviously had to perform better than what we had (although the paint jobs of the last few years may suggest different, I suppose).  The scores naturally got lower, this eventually got to the point that they couldn't keep doing it.  Not without putting (placing) the ball in the hole for us, and from 300yds with a 3I at that. So we have a hat that adds 30yds to drives and at the point, for me, it changes completely.

    A little off course, as this thread was about Discord (good or bad)

    Is it or is it about wgt's Discord server?  There is a difference.

    Before I really get started a question, why is it commonly said that Discord is better for real time conversations?  What stops them happening here?  And that is genuine curiosity. What's good about them is a different puzzle.

    I have had Discord since early 2020, I share it with people that are on here less (mainly playing other games) than they used to be and some that are still on often.  Many individuals and CC's used it long before that.  On it I have a server and talk to some friends on it.  I mostly just chat but can arrange games or anything else, play games and chat (video, audio or typing), moan about folk we think are cheating/what is cheating, moan about wgt etc etc.  Sometimes in real time but if, for instance, someone isn't on at the same time they might add their thoughts later and it's none the worse for that.

    All of that is Discord and it's great, there's even a freedom of not getting in trouble, it is not wgt's Discord server.  I do look at the latter, primarily for reasons stated in this thread Nico and Champ are pretty much always there and information is more freely, and sooner, given.  What I now do is skim the posts since I was last on then leave.

    I think wgt's Discord server (sorry if I'm using wrong terms) is largely Nico and Champ having banter with CK and some mobile players, or them cajoling Nico for something (everyone getting the same winds is today's.....nothing could go wrong there; same winds, same SS and notes and watching each other and playing at the same time). HP and Sam are sometimes there too and of course there are occasional others. The point being the majority of these people I have no interest in and no wish to talk to.  So why would I go from a Discord server with friends to wgt's? If I said what I really think on wgt's I'd probably be banned, and I saw Nico tell someone else that may also mean banned from wgt. 

    I still maintain there is more written, more help, in the forum.  The suggestion that if people want (to know/complain about or whatever) something from a mod' they should post in Discord rather than wgt's own forum is both ridiculous and true. 

    So, how about that Discord?

    Mine is fine.

  • craigswan
    31,108 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 8:36 AM
    WGT now has an official discord .
  • HamdenPro
    2,427 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 9:33 AM

    I tried the old wgt and preferred that.  All this like it or lump it stuff is nonsense; we are customers and fully entitled to complain about the direction the game is taking/has taken. Incidentally I don't believe it's about flash going, they brought over what they wanted to

    I never stated that we, as customers are not entitled to complain about the direction WGT has taken. I never intimated that the changes had anything to do with flash going away. In fact, I do not disagree, or wrote anything that conflicts with your statements.

    My most recent (long) reply merely pointed out that WGT is serving what it believes its most profitable customer base and it not what I termed the "old timers". I also believe that, although we have the right to complaints, WGT is not going to take any measures to address those complaints (with the exception of those relating to glitches) and make changes to its product, unless of course it is something its target customer base demands. I do not believe most of us in these threads, and those who "grew up" on flash, are the target base.

    The game may never have been a "true simulation", but it was a lot closer in the past.

    I totally agree. You will get no argument from as to whether the "old" version was better. I miss the way the game was before this transition. I was playing the mobile version even when we had flash. I am a PC player (laptop) but, at same time, I was going on my phone, as there were "perks" available and it was the only way I could watch videos for credits. When I would go away, and was away from PC, I would use my phone to play. I always enjoyed the PC flash. I do not want to get into the mobile v PC argument, but I will say they are different.

    It seems to me, all the updates, all the changes to the game have made it so the PC version is becoming more and more like the mobile version. I personally think it is these mobile users that comprise a majority of the targeted customer base.  Do I like it, no. There is nothing I can do, and no matter how much I complain, nothing is going to make WGT take any action, other than that which will shorten the gap between mobile and PC versions. Someday. maybe sooner than I think, the two versions will become one. That is the day, many of us will just stop playing - IMO.

    Is it or is it about wgt's Discord server?  There is a difference.

    Agreed. I admit, reading over how I stated things, I should have been more specific. I did mean WGT's Discord server (primarily).

    I never used Discord before. I avoided it and never was interested in using it. Like I stated, "I saw no reason to even dip my toes in discord, although I have friends that have, for a long time, insisted I use discord, even before WGT set up its server. My position has always been that Discord is not for me"

    My first exposure to discord was WGT server and my impression, as is yours, as I had also stated:

    "Some of the reasons discord is not "all that":

    1.  Too many in general chat room that it is difficult to carry on a conversation or keep a constant thought with so many chatting over each other or deviating off topic. Ask a question, who knows what you will get back in reply;

    2.  Not too many specific "chat rooms" - so, for many things, have to post in the general chat area where everyone is chatting over each other and where "meme speak" is the first language....

    3.  At times, it has been said, it is more ;a chat room for one club, or another and people feel unwelcome to join in conversation"

    why is it commonly said that Discord is better for real time conversations?  What stops them happening here?  And that is genuine curiosity

    Having used discord a lot of longer than me, I would think you already know the answer. Discord is real time conversations. The moment you post, there is an immediate reply. It is more like texting from your phone. Further, if you wish, you can talk to your friends, as if on the phone. You cannot do that here. Here, you post, assuming you are not on moderation, your post shows up right away. Others then, at some point in time, reply. Maybe immediately, maybe in few hours, days, etc...  Certainly, if you have members that happen to all be on at same time and have nothing to do but stay in thread window, repeatedly hitting refresh, you can have "real time" chat. It does seem to me, one is definitely better for that, than the other.

    Further, with discord, even when you are in a game, or working, if discord is open in the background, and a friend gives a "shout out" you hear a "ping" and can immediately respond. I do find it nice, if in game, and get a invite, that I can quickly open the discord and send a message..."I am on 15th hole, etc...". Just my opinion, and preference.  Note, this has nothing to do with WGT server, but goes to an advantage that Discord has overall, as to communication.

    My OP was trying to provide an objective view. I do see how it confuses WGT server and discord overall.

    So, for the record:

    I am not keen on WGT Discord server "General" chat room. As of now, at this time, it often seems like a chat room for one club along with a few prolific "meme" masters. I believe there are far more "trolls" and "spammers" in there than the threads.

    I do like having our club specific server. There are also a few non "WGT" servers that consist of large amounts of members who communicate and set up games, tournaments, etc. There is a lot that goes on in these private set up servers and they seem more member friendly.

    I still maintain there is more written, more help, in the forum.  The suggestion that if people want (to know/complain about or whatever) something from a mod' they should post in Discord rather than wgt's own forum is both ridiculous and true.

    Please show me where I said something to the contrary. I am in total agreement that the forums are better means of providing help, exchange information, ideas, entertainment. I think, for me, the forums are 1000 times better than WGT discord.

    Notwithstanding, imo, although the Forum, as I have been told, is not going away, there is no question in my mind, WGT is not really interested about the forums and would have no problem if it disappeared completely. Will that happen, probably not. My point being, we are not the target customer base. The new user is about bells & whistles, free things you have to pay to get, the new generation of social media addicts. IMO

    Do I like the way the game has changed? No.

    Am I personally sold on Discord? No.

    The suggestion that if people want (to know/complain about or whatever) something from a mod' they should post in Discord rather than wgt's own forum is both ridiculous and true



    So, how about that Discord?

    Mine is fine.

    That is good to hear. Mine is not. I like our club server, but I do not like that the only reason I am there is to make it easier to communicate with friends. The simple fact is, I have more friends that do not use discord than those that do. I actually use PMs on profile pages to communicate with friends more than Discord. This, Dodgy, you know is true. 

    BTW, I got your PM this morning and then came here to reply to your post - LOL. So, no need to say sorry, I do not really believe we are in disagreement about anything, unless I am missing your points.  If I am, please send me a PM. :)

    (The reason I ended "How's your discord?" in last post, was to try to bring thread back to discord, and to be a little funny. Maybe I missed the mark on both).


  • HamdenPro
    2,427 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 12:10 PM

    As far as perks on mobile, that PC does not have - 

    Consider 2x credits for purchases of stuff ("TapJoy")



    P.S. Thanks MIO for letting me know, otherwise, this offer would have passed me by.

  • IamNicklaus
    496 Posts
    Fri, Sep 2 2022 1:56 PM

    Some over elaborated verbage here...

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2022 2:11 PM


    Realizing that the game, from the start, was not a true simulation of the game, in a sense, it was always "Mickey Mouse", without the cartoon effects (a new product recently rolled out by TopGolf). Anyone can try out other golf simulation games and decide which is better or preferred. 

    I tried the old wgt and preferred that.  All this like it or lump it stuff is nonsense; we are customers and fully entitled to complain about the direction the game is taking/has taken. Incidentally I don't believe it's about flash going, they brought over what they wanted to.

    I meant when people say things like "why are you still here then", "what better game is there?" in response to complaints. I thought "Anyone can try out other golf simulation games and decide which is better or preferred" was along these lines.  Perhaps I was wrong.  The flash reference was just what I thought, not a response to anything, and I see that saying "incidentally" wasn't enough to indicate that. 


    Is it or is it about wgt's Discord server?  There is a difference.

    Agreed. I admit, reading over how I stated things, I should have been more specific. I did mean WGT's Discord server (primarily).

    "Some of the reasons discord is not "all that":

    Somewhere in all the above is why I posted.  I know you set out to write something balanced showing both positive and negative aspects.   Yor repeat the not "all that" reasons here (one of three notable uses of bold).  What I noticed about them (not "all that") was they were about wgt's server, the "not that bad" reasons are applicable to any Discord server.

    The only real advantage in wgt's Discord, over the forum, is the availability of/likelihood of a response from the mod's. Why is that better on Discord?

    There could be lots of stuff on customer base and how it's not just a head count (no, I'm not saying you said it was).  Who's likely to spend $300 on a set of virtual clubs?  Who's not likely to spend anything on them (as they already have)?  Why I think their whole strategy is flawed.  Before Discord the big thing was the Steam launch and the presence of this game there is with an average of less than 200 people playing.  (That compares badly to classics such as "Golf it" and "Golf with your friends", both with over 1,500.  Perhaps that's where we're heading.) 

    Little of my previous post was directed specifically to you.  I thought the thread in general was sometimes confusing the benefits of steam with the Benefits of the wgt server, I posted it as a reply to you as you are the op. I do apologise for upsetting you as I seem to have done.


    BTW, I got your PM this morning and then came here to reply to your post - LOL. So, no need to say sorry, I do not really believe we are in disagreement about anything, unless I am missing your points.  If I am, please send me a PM. :)

    (The reason I ended "How's your discord?" in last post, was to try to bring thread back to discord, and to be a little funny. Maybe I missed the mark on both).

    On the second part I did talk about Discord and respond in kind :-/