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Discord or Discontent?

Mon, Sep 26 2022 1:40 AM (86 replies)
  • HamdenPro
    2,427 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2022 2:24 PM

    I completely understand what you are saying and was not upset.

    I do appreciate the clarification. I also see where my OP was confusing because you are correct in the "not all that' is specifically directed to the WGT servers and the benefits of discord, I described are those that I have experienced via our clubs server, which has less people and seems to be less chaotic in general chat.

    I would imagine, any server, with a large number of people, chatting in the same "room" would be somewhat chaotic as well.


  • pmm711
    5,538 Posts
    Sat, Sep 3 2022 7:53 PM

    ^^^^ a couple novels up there 🤣

  • dhjam1
    577 Posts
    Thu, Sep 15 2022 6:37 PM

  • SamSpayed
    4,917 Posts
    Thu, Sep 15 2022 8:05 PM


    This is really cool.  I can see that possibly becoming a very useful tool for organizing topics of conversation, such as some of the multi-club tournaments.

    I say "possibly" because there are a lot of people in the WGT Discord server that completely ignore the text channel names and post their questions and complaints and side conversations in whatever channel they happen to be in.  Without proper moderation, the Forum Channels would be no different.  

  • craigswan
    31,108 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2022 3:53 AM

    Tried this discord a few times now .

    One word comes to mind for me .

    Rabble .

    blah blah blah whatever GIF by Paul McCartney

  • WGTNico
    625 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2022 8:20 AM

    I've had the pleasure of using forums on Discord for the past couple months already, and I do like it, I just haven't set it up myself so I still need a bit more testing on my end. I definitely think it's a good thing to bring into the WGT server.

  • Yiannis1970
    3,273 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2022 9:47 AM

    Just a thought...


    It's absolutely amazing having in your hands a whole forum for 15 years and instead of upgrading the vbulletin (i believe the actual version has been used by dinosaurs too...), pushing people to go and post into discord. Fora create history in a comunity, discord creates noise.


    Simply amazing...



    Whoever does not understand what a forum platform represents (and how many more tools provide to the comunity and its purposes) against a chat channel is just a tech ignorant.

  • SamSpayed
    4,917 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2022 2:38 PM


    Tried this discord a few times now .

    One word comes to mind for me .

    Rabble .

    I've heard similar (but less charitable) descriptions of the WGT Discord server from a couple folks in my CC, as well as a few friends outside of my CC.  It seems to me that WGT has allowed the #general channel to become the personal frat house of a few people, who use it to constantly bombard their buddies with insults and put-downs.  And the WGT mods are right there in the middle of it, not only allowing that sort of behavior, but participating in it themselves.  On weekends it's even worse.  It's an absolute cesspool, because the WGT mods are not working then.

    I guess if you can get past that, and don't venture into #general, there are some minor benefits to be found in the other channels.

  • craigswan
    31,108 Posts
    Fri, Sep 16 2022 2:49 PM

    And the WGT mods are right there in the middle of it, not only allowing that sort of behavior, but participating in it themselves.. Writes sam .

    And myself and other's get moderated here for less .

    just saying .

    Microphone Turn On GIF by Evonik

  • SamSpayed
    4,917 Posts
    Wed, Sep 21 2022 1:29 PM

    I'm not sure WGT will announce it here, but if you go in to the WGT Discord server today, they are giving out promo codes where you can win prizes.  

    I won 5000 coins using one of the codes.