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Everything & Nothing

Tue, Aug 9 2022 10:17 AM (15 replies)
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  • Pvall
    33 Posts
    Sat, Aug 6 2022 12:03 PM

    Played this game a long long time - adobe flash seems a long time ago, yet progress happens & actually enjoying the inconstant cartoon version.  I just want to get a few things off my chest.. keep with me

    Dual Multi players - It happens, I liken this to athletes taking drugs, what do you want to see people playing better, quicker, higher - open the filed - if not then anyone caught all the winnings should be reimbursed to the players that have lost out.

    Clash/turf/cc & the new generation -   Times have moved & all I see now is players that don't belong to a club with no score history yet in coin games they bash the plop out of me (not worried about that its a game) - again I refer to the above   its progress.  Times have changed though cost money etc & WGT need to rework their ideal customer - as a lowly 6 level club on my own I have given up trying to compete in clash & defo not bothered with turf - the top teams in clash will always be the same  (nice people & enjoy beating them individually) - I can spend plop loads just to try & beat a level 19+, this club clash needs rethinking & in a league format top 10, 11-20 etc etc.. with valid worth while prizes - 2 cc passes & a course builder doesn't hit my spot..

    Like the new goals etc - but turn the pop up off... so annoying when looking at the wind direction & you get a cheesy pop up saying you've reach a goal..  & why when you win a sponsor pack its always the stuff that's already maxed out :(

    Alt shot/match play etc games - I liked the old version you could go blue to say your up for a game at whatever type, cant we have that again as a TC I feel I shouldn't try joining games as other players seem to think they are at a disadvantage - I enjoy the chat & I normally play with plop balls & ultimately I'm not very good...

    Last - please please all you lot please play faster..


    Sorry to blab doubt you've read all that, bless if you have.. 


    WGT guys lets do some charity tourneys please.


    Thank you   Zippy

  • callaghan159
    6,226 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2022 3:44 PM

    There are some of your points I agree with, but the way I look at it is, it's entertainment for me. I don't make any real cash to put towards my bills so I play it as it is....glitches and bugs and quitters. All of it. LOL. Cheers


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,515 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2022 4:29 PM

    & why when you win a sponsor pack its always the stuff that's already maxed out :(


    This is definitely what annoys me the most.

    I remember reading somewhere here in the forums lately that WGT considers it as a bug and it was supposed to be fixed with the introduction of new G&A features? I was holding breath for this, but unfortunately, it's still same ol', same ol'. 😔

  • SamSpayed
    4,909 Posts
    Sun, Aug 7 2022 9:52 PM


    & why when you win a sponsor pack its always the stuff that's already maxed out :(


    This is definitely what annoys me the most.

    I remember reading somewhere here in the forums lately that WGT considers it as a bug and it was supposed to be fixed with the introduction of new G&A features? I was holding breath for this, but unfortunately, it's still same ol', same ol'. 😔

    The bug that was "fixed" was the one where the free apparel packs you got for 3, 6, and 9 weekly coin room wins always had the exact same apparel items and points for each.  It would actually be more accurate to say that bug simply went away when G&A replaced that.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,515 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 8:09 AM

    The bug that was "fixed" was the one where the free apparel packs you got for 3, 6, and 9 weekly coin room wins always had the exact same apparel items and points for each.  It would actually be more accurate to say that bug simply went away when G&A replaced that.

    I see. Thanks, Scott.

    Hopefully WGT would fix it again so that when you win an apparel pack, it's always only one of those that is not maxed out.

    That is the one and only reason I play in coin rooms : to max out all the apparels. Silver coins? Thanks but no thanks.

  • el3n1
    4,495 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 8:50 AM

    Hopefully WGT would fix it again so that when you win an apparel pack, it's always only one of those that is not maxed out.

    This is a very valid point and something WGT should take into consideration, but likely won't as it has been mentioned multiple times.

    If people realize they could be playing WGT for in excess of 5 years and constantly get the same apparel items while NOT receiving points to be applied to the items they do not already have maxed out - it adds to the frustration of people participating in the coin rooms for the purpose of upgrading apparel.  It is simply part of their business model to keep people playing while rarely giving them the points they actually need or can use.  

    When I went about playing specific sponsors to max out common items that had not been quite maxed out yet despite already having reached L9 and over half way thru L10 of common items - it still took upwards of 6 months to finish leveling up that 1 L10 item because the apparel points awarded are so well - random and that does not favor the players at all.

    I have been relatively active in the coin rooms - and have all of the common items maxed out and it is so rare or uncommon that I receive any points towards an epic or rare item especially one that I may consider using - that it borders on being absurd.

    Awhile back - I wagered that if people gave a value to the hits used in coin rooms - the cost in credits to level up an item like the L10 SE hat is far more expensive than if someone spent 10,000 credits on a new driver with equal specs -  which we would all say is absurd given the price increases of the game - but in reality - this is roughly what people are paying if you factor in the cost of credits in ball use - especially if they are using good balls in coin rooms because it takes thousands of coin room games to level up apparel in the current format being used.

    Problem is most people do not look closely enough to realize just how much they are paying for those small apparel boosts - and the reality is - that cost adds up substantially - UNLESS you use the cheapest ball possible or promo type balls.

    Earning apparel - is effectively more expensive than if you were to just buy better clubs at the same specs - but the cost would be much more in your face - and draw backlash from players because of the growing cost of the game - but with "apparel" points being earned - it is hidden in the constant ongoing micro transactions of ball use that few people grasp how quickly that cost adds up. 

    The absurdity of "chasing" rare or epic points is not even remotely worth the effort or ball use given how messed up the system is for awarding apparel points.  

  • pmm711
    5,522 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 9:12 AM


    It is simply part of their business model to keep people playing while rarely giving them the points they actually need or can use.  

    ... and that does not favor the players at all.

    And you'd think gamers (whom to me should have higher than average IQs) would see this...but they don't.  Chasing the WGT "fabulous lures" they throw into the game is ludicrous...absolutely ludicrous.  Yet a lot of feebleminded folks actually buy-in to the nonsense.  IDK.  I guess it's due to COVID brain because I don't think there's been a huge run on lobotomies.  I'd like to send chief over to hug some players on here as they sure as hell need one...vs. the pillow McMurphy ultimately had to take from him.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,515 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 10:38 AM

    Very accurately observed, both of you gents.

    Given that the founder of the game has ALWAYS been deeply involved in gambling business, I guess we should expect the game will contain gambling elements in one form or another. That being said, WGT should also know that there are people (me included) who are NOT fond of gambling stuff like lucky dip, loot box, claw crane, slot machine and what not. I'd prefer paying and get exactly what I need or want. Sorry but... I HATE THESE RANDOMIZED CRAPS!

  • PureGro1
    1,656 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 11:04 AM

    have all of the common items maxed out and it is so rare or uncommon that I receive any points towards an epic or rare item especially one that I may consider using - that it borders on being absurd.

    I get the frustrations, But when you see an epic or rare item does it not kind of figure that they may be rare or uncommon to come by? 

    If not...what would make them Rare?

    And you'd think gamers (whom to me should have higher than average IQs) would see this...but they don't.  Chasing the WGT "fabulous lures" they throw into the game is ludicrous...absolutely ludicrous.  Yet a lot of feebleminded folks actually buy-in to the nonsense.

    Again, I get the frustrations with all this- But its not BLACK/WHITE why people play the game and would spend money on the game. This is why there are multiple flavors of ice cream...Were all different and have varied reasons for doing the things we do.

    Insulting others choices and deciding they are "Feebleminded" is possibly not the best way to try to make your point.

  • HamdenPro
    2,418 Posts
    Mon, Aug 8 2022 11:50 AM

    This is why there are multiple flavors of ice cream...Were all different and have varied reasons for doing the things we do.

    Sorry, could not resist..

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