WGTNico:The team will continue to chip away at these bugs (as well as a few more stats based and coin room visual issues)
There may or may not be a bug in the "collect all" button - as some players are reporting seeing the achievements reset to zero without receiving the awards or achievements they should have gotten, based on reports in our club forum- and suggestions were made to reach out to Nico already.
In contrast, I went thru them individually and it ended up marking each one as "complete" and I cannot even review the various levels of what was awarded.
I also cannot view the levels beyond the current option of achievements that are not completed to deem whether it is practical to bother progressing or working on an achievement or not.
When you factor in many of the levels may only give more coins or apparel boxes or XP that offer nothing of real substance or value to long term members - there is no use in earning those achievements when your apparel is maxed out for example - despite the "achievements" as showing it needing to be leveled up when you can't level up a L10 apparel item beyond that. Seems silly.
Entirely new players may benefit from this however, but many who have been playing coin rooms for the past 5+ years will see little value in these when they are not listed at a sufficient level and would only award them items they already maxed out.
Now - if WGT would actually award Epic or Rare items that are so infrequently given as bonus and doing that on items players may actually benefit from receiving - instead of giving items they don't even use - then leveling them up may have value - but it is still largley a random lottery draw that all too often does not help.
I understand it is a work in progress and there were some nice bonuses for level up and achievements earned by those who were able to claim / collect them - but hopefully the bugs get sorted out so players who clearly achieved things receive their bonuses items.