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2022 VUSO

Thu, Jun 30 2022 9:48 PM (32 replies)
  • Robbo81303
    417 Posts
    Tue, Jun 7 2022 11:44 AM

    Way to go WGT!  It takes some truly elitest cojones to construct a tournament that 99% + of your active users will never get within 20 strokes of par on.  Brilliant!  Think of all the lost ball sales you'll have now that the vast majority of players will probably try it once & say 'forget it!'  Who in their right minds will waste time battling the bs wind speeds (ultra-strong and, in true WGT form, ultra-mistated), bs green reads, etc, etc, to post what they believe are utterly atrocious scores, and then do this repeatedly??  Virtually no one, that's who!

    Yep, nice job WGT, leaving a virtual dumptruck load of dung at the feet of the vast majority of your loyal clients.  Okay, okay, you've been doing just that since 2007 but at nowhere near this level.  You are (because I can't think of a slimier, more reprehensible descriptive) Kamala Harris!!

  • Slimjim001
    1,058 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 7:09 AM

    I agree with you regarding the difficulty of this qualifier and how frustrating it can be to play but in order to keep this game interesting, I think there always needs to be stuff beyond the reach of the ordinary player like myself and even the top dogs otherwise the top players would go elsewhere and WGT would likely lose its elite status among the numerous virtual reality golf games. I know my chances of making the first page of the leaderboard in this or any other world class tournament are very slim but at least I have the opportunity to try and that keeps it interesting for me.

    10,728 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 11:38 AM


  • puma1220
    6 Posts
    Thu, Jun 9 2022 5:17 PM

    I just don't understand how someone can shoot a 52 in those conditions.  That crazy.

  • thunderbird
    381 Posts
    Sat, Jun 11 2022 3:41 PM

    I think that individual probably has a slight addiction or obsessive-compulsive issues.  Other than that, it doesn't seem to out of the ordinary.  

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Sun, Jun 12 2022 9:11 PM


    The VUSO doesn't seem to have the same buzz about it like in in previous years. It used to be the biggest event in the calendar. Players that hadn't played in a while would all come flooding back to the game. I guess the lure of a chance of winning a trip to the following years US open was a major factor. Also the player who finished 1st would be the winner, like it should be in my opinion and not this knockout thing at the end.

    I agree the hype factor isn't what it once was, but it's still cool to me to say that technically you qualified for a USGA event. Have absolutely 0 chance of contending but still punched my ticket to it for the 13th year in a row :)

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2022 4:34 PM


    still punched my ticket to it for the 13th year in a row :)

    I hope you are right. That would mean I am in too.😂 The cut has never been this high for the VUSO and there is still 2 weeks left. I doubt 58 will make the cut.

  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2022 4:37 PM

    I just had a strange observation. I don't ever remember seeing a leaderboard where everyone that is tied is sorted alphabetically. It is normally done using tie breaking rules. Has this ever been done before?

    6,890 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2022 8:09 PM


    I just don't understand how someone can shoot a 52 in those conditions.  That crazy.

    Well first you need to be a top player (Which T-Bird is) then you need a break or two throughout the round BUT...Most importantly ya need to catch the right winds on the tough holes (and there are at least 4 of um) But as you see a 52 was out there and pleanty of 55's and better ...(I managed to turn a 54 into a 56 lol) but thinking I'll make it in.

    But overall I do agree this was the toughest qualifier I've attempted (since 2018 I didn't dare attemt it my first year 2017 on WGT)

  • BolloxInBruges
    1,389 Posts
    Mon, Jun 13 2022 8:32 PM



    still punched my ticket to it for the 13th year in a row :)

    I hope you are right. That would mean I am in too.😂 The cut has never been this high for the VUSO and there is still 2 weeks left. I doubt 58 will make the cut.

    58 is a lock, only 1 person has shot under 58 in the past 24 hours.