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Hero open e-tour

Tue, Aug 17 2021 3:14 PM (18 replies)
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  • Tepi62Ka
    321 Posts
    Fri, Jul 9 2021 8:01 AM

    okay explain me this cause I cant understand.

    I had about 33y shot next, back wind strong, I choose pitch 33y club, set it full back spin...hit about ball is somewhere 49y long. How in hell? I stop my game...cant carry on longer...FU**

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Sun, Jul 11 2021 12:00 PM

    okay explain me this cause I cant understand

    Lots of possibilities... here are a couple.

    - You originally chose PITCH, but then you changed clubs, and when you did, it changed your shot type to something else (eg. FULL).

    - You changed clubs by mistake.  Maybe you went up a club by hitting the scroll wheel on your mouse by mistake.

    Bottom line... it was your fault.  Best to just accept it and move on.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,576 Posts
    Sun, Jul 11 2021 12:29 PM


    - You changed clubs by mistake.  Maybe you went up a club by hitting the scroll wheel on your mouse by mistake

    This sounds the most probable to me.

    OP, it's only a game after all. Keep calm and play again. Good luck.

  • el3n1
    4,501 Posts
    Sun, Jul 11 2021 4:00 PM

    I had about 33y shot next, back wind strong, I choose pitch 33y club, set it full back spin...hit about ball is somewhere 49y long. How in hell

    pitch shot with full back spin of a 100y wedge (56deg)  is not the same as a pitch shot with FBS and your lob wedge which will release less, when you factor in heavy tail wind, possibility of landing on a downslope with a cheaper type ball on St And and the wind is going to help the release on the greens... the ball may not stop for awhile - can think of several pin placements where a scenario like that could happen even without a accidental club change...

    it really helps to understand carry distance and estimated release based on the landing area and whether the ball will kick forward or bite... also taking off power hitting 80% versus 100% can also reduce spin effect and having less bite on the shot...

    if you had a heavy tailwind and were dialing the shot back so much, then it sounds like you would have been much better off to hit a full power flop shot with the 26y flop wedge with full back spin and the shot would have landed short and released less and ended up much closer to the hole... 


    one of the best tutorials for tips and shot types,  I ever came across on youtube was by Lizard69 and he describes using the flop shot on STA hole 14 about 20 min in.  

    good luck.


  • Tepi62Ka
    321 Posts
    Tue, Jul 13 2021 8:54 AM

    Thanks nervs are still flew away...

  • jwick231
    180 Posts
    Thu, Jul 15 2021 2:01 PM

    This game is a money scam. There's virtually no way to win unless you spend a thousand dollars on upgrades. And even then it's probably sketchy. I've had the same kind of shots happen to me in my short time here. It's like a casino; The odds are NOT in your favor unless you spend big bucks on upgrades.

    Good luck to you.

  • jwick231
    180 Posts
    Thu, Jul 15 2021 2:12 PM

    It's not "only a game after all." It's a skewed money maker for the developer/owner. We who choose to still play it are their income source.

  • jwick231
    180 Posts
    Sun, Jul 18 2021 4:01 PM

    I just hit an 8 yard pitch when I was in the fairway. Meter was dead-on at 22 yards. Game is rigged I tell 'ya.

  • FriedToast
    1 Posts
    Mon, Jul 19 2021 8:43 AM

    I haven’t spent a dime on this game and still manage to average 65

  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Mon, Jul 19 2021 1:05 PM


    I haven’t spent a dime on this game and still manage to average 65

    Funny. I guess those Srixon balls are free too that you use? 

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