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Is this WGT's oldest active player?

Mon, Jun 26 2023 1:37 PM (195 replies)
  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,706 Posts
    Wed, May 13 2020 6:43 PM

    I spotted this thread this morning so I did some search using Scott's tips and... putter2eyes is probably the oldest active player.

    This fella and IRISHKING1916 both joined WGT in June 2007, but his user ID suggests that he joined tad earlier than Karl did. (The user ID of putter2eyes is 30,585 and Karl's being 33,527.)

    This search would've never been conducted if it wasn't the COVID-19 confinement.

    Be safe and well, everyone.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Thu, May 14 2020 11:17 AM

    I spotted this thread this morning so I did some search using Scott's tips and... putter2eyes is probably the oldest active player.

    It looks like he only came back to the game last month after 3 years away. But nonetheless he is currently active it's true.

  • SidersBest
    873 Posts
    Fri, May 15 2020 6:52 AM


    I spotted this thread this morning so I did some search using Scott's tips and... putter2eyes is probably the oldest active player.

    It looks like he only came back to the game last month after 3 years away. But nonetheless he is currently active it's true.

    Welcome back, Putter2eyes. We have been trying to salute the TRAIL BLAZERS of WGT and it seems you are one of them. You've gone through many changes to the game and survived God Bless and keep them in the fairway.


    Siders Best

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 8:15 AM

    Well there is one player that registered in May of 2007 and is currently playing again that I spotted the other day:   bonz

  • ScottHope
    10,632 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 11:08 AM

    Another currently active oldie.

    2DWN   user ID   30559

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,706 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 1:28 PM

    Wow, nice discoveries, guys!

    Aren't these old players truly amazing? I mean playing a game in a regular basis for more than a decade?? They surely deserve some respect and rewards for that. It'd be even nicer and more significant if WGT recognizes and shows little appreciations to these loyal customers.

  • ScottHope
    10,632 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 1:59 PM

    When you say "reward" Simon, do you mean antidote?  Lol.  ; )

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,706 Posts
    Sat, May 16 2020 2:28 PM


    When you say "reward" Simon, do you mean antidote?  Lol.  ; )

    LOL No, I meant more like... I dunno... a Gold Putter, unlimited supply of balls of his/her choice, Amazon Gift Card worth $1,000, etc.