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Next course coming to the game?

Sat, Nov 9 2024 6:15 AM (135 replies)
  • billycash74
    2,080 Posts
    Tue, Sep 20 2022 2:12 AM


  • bwsq
    100 Posts
    Wed, Sep 21 2022 1:45 PM


    I would like to see Wolf Creek and Chambers Bay removed from the game. I have been playing WGT for many years now, and I have yet to play anyone who actually likes those two courses.

    Time to get some more European courses featured in the game, too much focus on the USA venues IMHO.

    I'm against ANY course being removed from the game.  FYI lots of folks like/love these courses.

  • AceHoler26
    349 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2022 2:31 PM

    When you think about it.....who cares if the course is easy or hard ?  When you are in tournaments you still have to shoot better than the other players.  So instead of having to shoot a 59 or 58 to have a chance to win you might have to shoot a 53 or so.

    It's all relative.

    If it's a nice course and enjoyable to play that's all that matters.

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2022 2:51 PM


    When you think about it.....who cares if the course is easy or hard ?  When you are in tournaments you still have to shoot better than the other players.  So instead of having to shoot a 59 or 58 to have a chance to win you might have to shoot a 53 or so.

    It's all relative.

    If it's a nice course and enjoyable to play that's all that matters.

    Can't agree more! Very well said.

  • dad19733
    169 Posts
    Sat, Oct 15 2022 4:40 PM




    Completely agree 



    When you think about it.....who cares if the course is easy or hard ?  When you are in tournaments you still have to shoot better than the other players.  So instead of having to shoot a 59 or 58 to have a chance to win you might have to shoot a 53 or so.

    It's all relative.

    If it's a nice course and enjoyable to play that's all that matters.

    Can't agree more! Very well said.


  • Triebie0815
    12 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2022 3:09 PM

    I'm against ANY course being removed from the game.  FYI lots of folks like/love these courses.



    I would like to see Wolf Creek and Chambers Bay removed from the game. I have been playing WGT for many years now, and I have yet to play anyone who actually likes those two courses.

    Time to get some more European courses featured in the game, too much focus on the USA venues IMHO.

    I'm against ANY course being removed from the game.  FYI lots of folks like/love these courses.



    Copy that!



  • Triebie0815
    12 Posts
    Wed, Oct 26 2022 3:19 PM

    i would love to play the whole courses of some CTTH´s like Harbour Town or Valhalla.

    nostalgica of the old links 2003 game ...

  • GuznekPudda
    9 Posts
    Mon, Nov 7 2022 11:57 AM

    I like both Wolf Creek and Chambers Bay but would like to see the Desert Course (sorry can't remember it's name) from the old Flash era being returned.

  • sheepsass
    657 Posts
    Wed, Nov 30 2022 5:14 PM
  • o0odp
    1 Posts
    Tue, Jan 3 2023 9:50 AM

    I believe wgt should try to add less known courses. Should be a lot easier to get that done then trying to make deals with these high visibility courses. There are so many great courses that are not publicly known outside of the area they are located in.