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Mobile Players w/150 Averages

Mon, May 3 2021 9:07 AM (79 replies)
  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 2:09 AM


    incidentally the elitism is on your part. You are basing your judgments on playing with people lower level and skill than yourself. Im merely saying play with people of your own skill before being pompous.

      IDK how you come to these conclusions . In PC the goal is to play with your peers of equal or higher standing than yourself . This is setup in the lobby or also by your status settings .

      That is difficult in mobile as there are no options to set . Another WGT failure in that format .

    you do know that you're supporting my point not arguing it right?

    i know you can chat on PC i've done it a bunch. But for the most part you play with people of your skill level. mostly

    Mobile is rather random where the skill level isn't separated by level so much as it is which rooms do someone play in.


    PC players who start playing coin rooms don't have a lot of coins to start.

    so they play the lower rooms. Unless they buy them. And frankly if "most" high levels did that right off the bat they'd just lose the coins fast. Too far behind on apparel very few could hang in the early stages.

    which leads me to my point that his and your exposure level is your peers on PC. on mobile it's not. It's often either people much lower in level or same level but poor knowledge and skill. Or someone like themselves just starting in the mobile game from PC. I mean that's it. 

    So my point remains. in order to compare apples to apples play the same caliber of player. Not some level 80 master with a 150 average that's on his first bought set of clubs from the 50s. then Chat that guy up and those like him and them condemn all of mobile hood because the representing sample is quite frankly a stupid choice on his part.


    It really seems as if some logic is missing from some of yalls posts. or at least a lack of awareness. Kind of a don't know what you don't know thing.

  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 2:21 AM

    i have played many pros in the h2h rooms they being on mobile and me on launcher and most lower level mobile players putt a damm site better than some high level players on flash......thats just my personnal experiences......that is the reason i assume mobile putting is the easiest of the 3 formats.....

    most people that play both generally believe that putting is actually harder on mobile. more break for same distance putts. so you're wrong there. 


    years ago while leveling i was burning up all sorts of cheap balls i had acquired and i was playing low level one hole coin rooms just to watch and get the video XP.

    I often lost on purpose.  the coins are a pittance compared to what i had i was only there for the XP as i said.

    And in those rooms I played a lot of hacks.. amateurs pros etc.

    what i noticed was that the effective hole is bigger for them. visually it's the same size but hacks and amateurs would miss the "hole" by half a ball to a ball and it would still count.

    It's something you have to go back and watch because you'd probably not notice when starting out. And you got to play enough games that you could see the near misses go in all the time.

    I don't know what tier it reaches it's minimum diameter but when you watch low tiers enough in H2H coin rooms you can see what i mean. Middle and high tiers the difference if it's there is so small it's hard to see it 



  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 4:14 AM


    I'm sorry. Must be me. I still don't see how you're coming to the conclusions you are or what you're even looking at.  But that's fine. I really doesn't matter.

    Robert1893, he is either talking about me (Legend / 70.50 AVG / Shot a 57 (-15) 4 days ago on St Andrews in a CC Tourney) OR he’s talking about a mystery person who has not even commented in this thread as every one else is either above Legend and/or has a AVG of 67 or less. 


    marchie get over yourself......i am not talking about ...and i said he is averaging 70,,,,,meaning he shot 70 on 2 occasions in his history....i never said his avg was 70 ...and i never said he was in this thread...he is a player i played with nothing post carefully before you throw around accusations...get it into your head...apology would be accepted

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 4:17 AM

    i have played many pros in the h2h rooms they being on mobile and me on launcher and most lower level mobile players putt a damm site better than some high level players on flash......thats just my personnal experiences......that is the reason i assume mobile putting is the easiest of the 3 formats.....

    most people that play both generally believe that putting is actually harder on mobile. more break for same distance putts. so you're wrong there. 


    years ago while leveling i was burning up all sorts of cheap balls i had acquired and i was playing low level one hole coin rooms just to watch and get the video XP.

    I often lost on purpose.  the coins are a pittance compared to what i had i was only there for the XP as i said.

    And in those rooms I played a lot of hacks.. amateurs pros etc.

    what i noticed was that the effective hole is bigger for them. visually it's the same size but hacks and amateurs would miss the "hole" by half a ball to a ball and it would still count.

    It's something you have to go back and watch because you'd probably not notice when starting out. And you got to play enough games that you could see the near misses go in all the time.

    I don't know what tier it reaches it's minimum diameter but when you watch low tiers enough in H2H coin rooms you can see what i mean. Middle and high tiers the difference if it's there is so small it's hard to see it 



    so maybe there is more forgiveness for mobile......thanks for sharing
  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 6:28 AM

    marchie get over yourself......i am not talking about ...and i said he is averaging 70,,,,,meaning he shot 70 on 2 occasions in his history....i never said his avg was 70 ...and i never said he was in this thread...he is a player i played with nothing post carefully before you throw around accusations...get it into your head...apology would be accepted

    I'm not sure what you think he needs to apologize for. He literally said that you're either talking about him or someone not from the thread. 

    That's a true statement. Literally, you were either talking about him or someone else not from the thread. I guess it's an accusation. But given what you posted, his statement does have the fortuitous quality of being correct. 😀

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 6:59 AM


    marchie get over yourself......i am not talking about ...and i said he is averaging 70,,,,,meaning he shot 70 on 2 occasions in his history....i never said his avg was 70 ...and i never said he was in this thread...he is a player i played with nothing post carefully before you throw around accusations...get it into your head...apology would be accepted

    I'm not sure what you think he needs to apologize for. He literally said that you're either talking about him or someone not from the thread. 

    That's a true statement. Literally, you were either talking about him or someone else not from the thread. I guess it's an accusation. But given what you posted, his statement does have the fortuitous quality of being correct. 😀

    robert im gonna make this simple......i wasnt talking about him or anyone else in this thread....he stated im talking about him or an imaginary player.....both are incorrect so yes he was wrong and shouldnt start an issue with me............what is so damm hard about comprehending that ? and if he aint man enough to apologize then so be done here...wasted enough time here ...

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 7:15 AM

    robert im gonna make this simple......i wasnt talking about him or anyone else in this thread....he stated im talking about him or an imaginary player.....both are incorrect so yes he was wrong and shouldnt start a n issue with me............what is so damm hard about comprehending that ? and if he aint man enough to apologize then so be done here

    And I'll make it simple for you. You gave no specific examples, you made assumptions that were extremely suspect, you outright ignore what others write, and he didn't write "imaginary player."

    He wrote: "a mystery person who has not even commented in this thread."

    Imaginary person = someone who doesn't exist.
    Mystery person = someone who exists but we don't know.

    So, again, keeping it simple: either you were talking about him or some mystery person. It's a classic "either X" or "not X."

    So, to recap. 

    Him: You're either talking about me or a mystery person who has not even commented in this thread.

    You: It's not you! It's someone not from this thread! Now, apologize!

    The rest of us:

  • MGB01
    1,469 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 7:19 AM

    bottom line.....i wasnt talking about up and say sorry or kiss my f/kin ass .....tired of the trolls looking for bull *** excuses to start an issue.....get a life robert


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Apr 14 2020 7:21 AM

    I most certainly have a life. Anytime you want, let's compare CVs. Not saying I'll come out on top, but I can hold my own.