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Tue, May 21 2024 12:56 AM (111 replies)
  • BogeyOne
    1,977 Posts
    Mon, Aug 31 2020 2:54 PM



  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 7:07 AM

    i find it unusual that those new posters have to get the posts approved before they show up and some mod is actually green lighting what are obviously done by spammers or bots.

  • SamSpayed
    4,953 Posts
    Tue, Sep 1 2020 11:45 AM

    I've been reporting these spam posts using the Report Abuse link.  No telling what WGT is doing about them, though, if anything.  The mods are certainly asleep at the wheel here.

    I'm guessing the subject of this thread ("Gambling") is a magnet for spammers.

  • MarkUltra
    1 Posts
    Mon, Sep 21 2020 9:45 AM

    To be honest, I have never tried playing casino games. But my friend is a player, he already won a large sum. I have found a page about hacks. It looks quite attractive. Should I try to play? What do you think?

  • BillShiphr
    1 Posts
    Mon, Sep 21 2020 10:24 AM


    To be honest, I have never tried playing casino games. But my friend is a player, he already won a large sum. I have found a page about hacks. It looks quite attractive. Should I try to play? What do you think?



  • JoanneDavies
    1 Posts
    Mon, Feb 15 2021 2:27 AM

    The post is not new, but I would also like to give my two cents on it. Now in many games, there are roulette tips, they do not consider it to be something bad. On the contrary, it brings something new to the game, especially since the audience is large, and many are interested in innovations. I see people here write that it interferes with the game, but no one forces you to play them in this version. I actually think that it's a good addition to the game. What do you think? I'm new here, I would like to know more about your position on the game, and about the game itself. Since I just downloaded this game recently, I tried playing roulette and I liked it so far.