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Swing Meter size...

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Thu, Nov 7 2019 1:29 AM (13 replies)
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  • el3n1
    4,505 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2019 4:08 PM

    I don't see game optimized at all for 16:9... Look the size of that meter. No skies at all. On Andrews its sky, on Olympic you cant tell where is the branch.

    what is your desktop monitor resolution set at?  

    while I agree the wide screen 16:9 ratio looks off... it is not nearly as bad as you describe on my monitor.  if you tweak the resolution it alters the viewable area... since most phones and tablets are built on a widescreen ratio, I am sure there are monitor setttings that can accommodate that layout, similar to the way a TV has various options for watching a movie in different formats.  

    I still prefer the 4:3 ratio myself but it doesn't fill the whole screen but it is far bigger than I would have or look at if I were playing on a small mobile device.  

    also, unless you are someone who utilizes multiple monitors or computers a smaller game window allows you to pull up any notes or calculators like Kat's or Bilko or Pinhunters.. etc... I think it is going to make coin games in the high stakes rooms more competitive than they are already...

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Wed, Nov 6 2019 5:10 PM

    Doesnt matter here size of my particular monitor...Just look at screenshots that Scott posted on previous page.. First one is 16:9 window..Can you see what part of skies is missing? Or go on olympic fron 9 , tell me can you see the branch on that hole where you should play under tree... 16:9 maybe fills whole monitor screen, but doesnt show whole picture when ur standing on tee


    Here it is....16:9 view from tee on hole 5 information for you that branch is hanging above and that you can hit it


    If you press other camera u get this one ..also not showing any danger... and when u play shot camera just goes up and you see that you hit tree



  • ScottHope
    10,617 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 12:44 AM

    Salamicus, I understand what you are saying, but the reason why you won't see much height in a wide screen shot is because the course images are photographs in a square-ish aspect ratio.

    Here is the picture used in the game to create the tee shot at Olympics 5th hole, as in your image above...

    ... all the photographs used in the game (as far as I know) are in this format. So you will see that if you make a wide screen image using this picture, you will have to crop the height as there is nothing to add to either side to increase the width.

    The video you linked to previously is different because the background images are computer generated, not photographs.

    One way around this would be for us to be able to pan the game up/down if we were playing the game widescreen, so we could get the full height of the picture. Maybe WGT could look into this in the future.

    I have noticed that if I press the up/down arrow keys on my keyboard when in widescreen on the new game, that the image does move very slightly up or down. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come, or just unintentional, but a full vertical pan would be good.

  • treebeard
    228 Posts
    Thu, Nov 7 2019 1:29 AM

    On the flash version, after clicking the "play now" bit, the secondary screen is smaller. You can now drag this left thereby putting the "ding line" in the middle of the screen.

    The current new version has no ability to do this. I find it most disconcerting that the ding is now nearly all the way to the right of the screen. Find myself leaning over. And then missing it. Haha

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