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veteran & higher level player feedback section

Wed, Nov 13 2019 3:28 PM (146 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 6:45 AM
    While I haven't tried the stand alone platform yet, since they're asking for player input, I have just one question. Are there any plans for adding end of game chat ? If there are, I'll be all over it in a heartbeat. Doc :)
  • ScottHope
    10,584 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 7:25 AM

    I have noticed in the coin games Doc, there is a five minute window in which to chat after the game!

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 8:39 AM

    Outstanding ! The new platform gets my vote ( not that it needed it )! Hallelujah ! My prayers have been answered !

    Doc :)

  • SamSpayed
    5,045 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 10:53 AM


    I have noticed in the coin games Doc, there is a five minute window in which to chat after the game!

    Excellent.  I hope WGT makes this a part of all multi-player games (AS, MP, stroke) as well.

  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Wed, Oct 9 2019 1:35 PM

    ^^^ plus a "Brazillion"! I've been after them for years to fix this option. Just maybe, with the new platform, they can return some of the social aspect to the game.

    Doc :)

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Thu, Oct 10 2019 10:19 PM

    Post by Champion in announcements and my response that is on moderation:


    I'm going fast and didn't grab the quote of the person that asked. 

    While the "play friends" option isn't here yet because we're working on a more sophisticated multiplayer lobby, you can still play in random 3 or 9 hole matches by selecting FRIENDS at the bottom of the main menu and then selecting the Green button beside a player's name. This will give you the option to invite the player to a 3 or 9 hole match. 

    Currently you can only invite to a random 3 or 9. 



    UPDATE: Scratch that. Apparently that only works if you have already played against them this month. 

    We'll have proper friendly matches soon. Sorry. 

    I think most people are more worried about how the game plays than all those small features that everyone knows will be there eventually. It's an early release right? so obviously all the functionality will be there, you have over a year to figure that part out... It won't matter if it functions but the game plays like the mobile game. You're going to lose many of the veterans and top players.

    Would like to see a little more response on the things us pc players really care about which is how the game plays, the ding size, the forgiveness on iron shots, woods and drivers... Number 1 being the dot speed on greens.

    I'm worried that the priority is to get the mobile game play to work and the actual game play doesn't match. Think that will be a problem.





  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2019 3:49 AM

    I gave the game a true test, but until things start to get fixed , meter, forgiveness, angle of avatar, dot speed, speed of meter is the same  on all clubs , wind, and wind direction way too small, mini map issues, green speed number is way too small, floating Top Tracer.Being able to play other players and choose the clock. Having a restart button, having a repay button.   

    I will no longer play the new platform, I just dont understand how they looked at this and released it in this condition.  It can be and probably be a close second to the flash game when all is fixed, if all is fixed.

    Gary ( woodo)

  • TuckerPrestonJr
    1,380 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2019 8:24 AM



    Make mini map larger, and also make it to where you can move the marker on the mini map




  • wedge0837
    862 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2019 9:30 AM

    Corny avatars, childish and dumb...trying to attract the young mobile kid players no doubt.

    Hope the Avatars I bought get an upgrade when they move over..someday...

    Putting is way off, extremely easy to miss those 2 foot putts on the side of a goat trail that have a rapid incline/decline twist to them. Need reverse view putting.

    Need reverse view. Period. 

    Takes me forever to choose a Club, due to the 'no mouse wheel movement clause' (let them eat cake) line up shot, go back and look at the view now, oh and did I get back view of that while im lost in the weeds/woods because I cant barely ding the meter anymore...

    A work of art, cartoon art though. 

  • DoctorLarry
    4,320 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2019 10:06 AM

    I just dont understand how they looked at this and released it in this condition. 

    Well, this is a beta version to get it out and get user feedback.  I have not tried it yet but I am glad they are doing this because in-house testing only is typically a huge failure.  At least now they have real users trying it and letting them know what works and does not work.  Your trials and feedback will help.

    I think I may give it a go when many of the current problems are fixed.