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veteran & higher level player feedback section

Wed, Nov 13 2019 3:28 PM (146 replies)
  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 8:23 AM

    I appreciate opposing opinions because it helps the discussion and hopefully wgt is reading this.

    I disagree when mobile players say the dots on greens are just different. Learn to adjust your game for them etc...

    Without trying to come across sounding like an arrogant wgt veteran elitist but as an attempt to get point across more effectively. Having played the flash version since 2010, I have come to learn the greens and intricacies in the breaks and am considered one of the best putters in the game by many. The flash version shows in more accurate detail the severity of swinging breaks especially on the downhill bigger breaking putts. The mobile version doesn't come close to the detail in the dots and grids. It is way way off at times. Sometimes oddly enough it's correct and does move the right way.

    Mobile players could just be used to it and know when it breaks more than it shows, but that doesn't mean the dots are moving accurately on the platform imo.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 8:41 AM

    I’m a P.C player, and unfortunately having to play on my iPad for now, I’ve just played a Pebble Beach back 9, a ranked round on my ipad and my Titleist driver was 296. I was wearing ‘swing edge’ apparel. I don’t participate in turf wars, but for a ranked round, that’s not right!



    Haven't read this entire topic, I just within the last day installed this, may have already been mentioned.


    Get Rid Of the Apparel Crap.  My 289 driver is now at 292.


  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 10:10 AM


    And to be honest I think this is happening and will continue to happen in this new standalone. It's a big mistake.

    It's fine to try to make money, it's a business. But forgetting about your loyal  veteran fanbase is just bad taste and a bad idea.





  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 10:37 AM

    I don't know why people are skeptic (not all of them) about this new release of the game.

    For me the reason would be that we're asked to spend to find out what's wrong with this and yet wgt tell us next to nothing.  Do you think you'll be able to play uel?  It has been asked a few times with no answer, not even "we're not sure yet" or "we're looking at a new version".  Do you think the ability to drive further as you're wearing a cap is negotiable, I doubt it although perhaps they could be persuaded to make it a hair shirt or steroids ;-)

    We can pay to find faults with the game play but we would still be no nearer knowing what they intend the game to be, and they must have some idea where they're trying to go.  Unless I hear different I suspect just like the mobile game and I think that means no uel and all the gimmicks they can squeeze in.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 10:49 AM

    So so true Dodgy +1

    We're asked to download and give feedback, yet the major concerns are ignored.. no replies at all, instead coin games are at the top of the list for being fixed which we have zero interest in. Very frustrating. Makes me want to quit the game right now.

    Based on this alone they never really wanted feedback from flash players, only mobile players. It's going to be the mobile game folks. GG wgt

  • salamicus
    1,018 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 11:06 AM

    Hey Alan..nice to see you..I mean your typed letters :)

    I have a feeling that people from WGT are not that deeply into ways of playing this game...and in what way it has evolved during the years. For example they releasing some higher level hybrid clubs, although i never seen anyone using them (my experience) . They insist on making ball effects and trails, funny things that also seem like unnecessary things. In the end those clashes got out of my sight years ago. Maybe just as they were released, cause format is simply not interesting (for me).... Now question is is it really like that, or it is just for me and people who play this game for a long time

    Personally I enjoy the most playing on uneven lies (like you). Not that I am over satisfied with how they have executed uel format, but simply because I enjoy some more play based on feel. Not just replaying same shots, over and over or calculating game on calculators and sheets. Closest I get as an answer on UEL matter is when I played coin game with Icon. He just said people are not very interested in uneven. So I guess there is some other "majority" of players that likes other kind of stuff. Maybe all those things I don't :)

    Those cap, shoes abilities are only in coin game mode. I tried playing tournaments with apparel but they dont help you there...


  • SamSpayed
    5,043 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 11:55 AM

    They didn't develop this for pc, they ported the mobile version to the standalone and so far all they are addressing in comments is adding functionality and are not responding to comments or attempting to take veteran players feedback seriously at all concerning how the game plays, looks or feels.

    For me the reason would be that we're asked to spend to find out what's wrong with this and yet wgt tell us next to nothing. 

    This, to me, is a major concern.  All we have heard so far from WGT, if my memory serves, is that they are reading all of our comments in the various Early Access threads, and that more multi-player modes (eg. Alt Shot) are coming.

    Communication works both ways.  What we really need from them at this point is some more detailed feedback on what fixes they are working on (things that are broken), what UI features they are going to try to address (eg. dot movements, aiming using the mini-map, larger wind display, etc.), and what suggestions or game issues they are going to put on the back burner to either be addressed later or not at all.  I think their providing that, or really any meaningful feedback at all, would go a long way toward assuring us that, yes, they are paying attention, and yes, they do value their long-time customers.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 11:57 AM


    I've observed much info from the pros like fmags and others, and speaking of the dot movement (on PC version) I would conclude that the dot speed is relative to the camera angle and not always the position of the avatar.

    As obviously observable, the avatar is not always lined up with the camera angle.

    When the putt camera IS lined up w/ the perpendicular avatar you will get a true reading, but any skewing of the avatar will create a mis-read of the putt, as further explained by the real pros (if you find the old threads)


    Like I said



  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 12:36 PM

    Hi Nik, hope all is well with you.

    I think it's all about the people that have been here for years and the more recent recruits, and/or the high level and lower level players.  Simply put, in both cases the latter will spend more. 

    The best players wont spend anything as they will win the credits for anything they want, players down a bit, like us, will spend on balls and maybe the occasional piece of equipment but have most of what they need by now.

    The money for wgt is in low level and new players, wgt hope they have many upgrades to come.  So what they don't need is them finding the game too difficult and giving it up, hence caps to hit the ball further, red tee, etc etc.  It tends to be players that have played for longer that like uel, and it would be difficult for those at a low level, so the line will be, and was, "people are not interested in uel" but really "it's only those that don't buy much" is probably more true.   The Clash and competitions like it will be the ones to flourish.

    Anyway that was roughly what I meant, the more experienced players are asked to use their time and credits to get the game working better but we're not being told what the game will be.  What will it matter if the green dots are off if all that's being played is competitions where getting numbers to play and using passes are the most importatant factors?

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Oct 13 2019 1:18 PM

    Good point Sam and this is the reason to not release new version this early. If you arent ready to take the feedback and run with it, all you're ding is shooting yourself in the foot. It's not too late but they better start listening