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WGT Early Access for PC

Tue, Aug 13 2024 11:06 PM (1,508 replies)
  • Gepetto1958
    4,295 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 5:34 PM

    I read this whole thread and still am not sure if what I already have-an absolute perfect setup, meter and all for many years-is going to be intact after trying this. Totally separate browser and Flash version, never affected by any updates or such, only serves the game.

    You know what they say about fixing things that ain't broke............


    p.s., Dyin' to get  a jump on the future.  ;-)

    feelin the same
  • Trinbagoboy
    287 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 5:35 PM

    Downloaded perfectly and opened fine except for the size of the window which is not adjustable to size of the monitor which in my case is 42 inches and on a wall well away from where I sit. 

    But I am sure that is something they still are working on as this is a beta version.

    The game play was smooth and as I also have played the mobile version not as disconcerting as others who have only played PC might find.

    I use my mouse not a keyboard so the adjustment to the meter will probably be my biggest challenge ha ha.

    I am just happy that as a player who was here at the beginning over 15 years ago I will still be able to play my favorite chill out pastime.

    Hopefully when there is a full downloadable version we will be able to make adjustments to the actual window so we can still play full screen. Unless I missed something in settings that is there to make adjustments already.

  • Lesthanpar
    1,509 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 5:41 PM

    When flash ends WGT game play as we know it is gone. Totally different game. It is a work in progress and improvements will be made but it will never be the same game. Have to learn a totally new game if I want to continue to play it. I feel like an old dog that my owner has moved my food bowl and I can't find it now. sigh

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 5:59 PM


    Thanks WGT :) Installing it now, getting stuck on "Preparing to install". Will be back with info on the progress, hopefully.




    Windows asks you for permission to install it. Shut your anti virus off and the put an exception in the anti virus. It does not have a valid certificate, so you have to allow it.

  • TDHarvey
    433 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 6:01 PM



    Hopefully when there is a full downloadable version we will be able to make adjustments to the actual window so we can still play full screen. Unless I missed something in settings that is there to make adjustments already.

    Its in options>video i was able to get it full screen on my 37 inch monitor. Im not sure what to think yet, but never been a mobile player other than a handful of times. First quick reaction, not good. 

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 6:01 PM

    I'm having this same error everytime i try to install, have already try differents routes, also deactivate the antivirus, but same error........................ any suggest? error


    Try running it as an administrator. Right click on the install and click Run as an administrator

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 6:04 PM

    I have three computers, I'll setup my Vista for my charts and play on windows 10.

    I can use my charts by hitting the windows key. Kat's does not stay on top.

  • ujjbnjk
    2,128 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 6:07 PM


    When flash ends WGT game play as we know it is gone. Totally different game. It is a work in progress and improvements will be made but it will never be the same game. Have to learn a totally new game if I want to continue to play it. I feel like an old dog that my owner has moved my food bowl and I can't find it now. sigh

    yep this is the end of the game we all loved...(enjoy it while its still here) its a strt off copy on mobile put on pc to play...had the feeling this would happend but didnt think it would be this bad....shame shame shame....maybe being a bit harsh? but thats what i feel after trying and seeing pepole stream it havent heard one guy saying this is good.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 6:18 PM


    I read this whole thread and still am not sure if what I already have-an absolute perfect setup, meter and all for many years-is going to be intact after trying this. Totally separate browser and Flash version, never affected by any updates or such, only serves the game.

    You know what they say about fixing things that ain't broke............

    exactly, I'll try it in 2020 only after they make me LOL.....which they obviously plan on doing!