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WGT Early Access for PC

Sun, Nov 5 2023 12:56 PM (1,507 replies)
  • ScottHope
    10,234 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 2:12 PM

    If we download the new early access, will we still be able to play the flash version while it lasts or will the new download over ride the flash version?
    I did the download and can play both versions.

  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 2:20 PM


    If we download the new early access, will we still be able to play the flash version while it lasts or will the new download over ride the flash version?

    You will still be able to play the Flash version. You may find yourself on a version of the WGT website that does not have the flash elements. In this case select the MY ACCOUNT dropdown in the top right and LOGOUT. Then login again and you'll have all the Flash elements again. 


  • thestevster
    546 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 2:36 PM

     the new early access to many bells and whistles for me sorry..


    cheers steve

  • Bowl64
    3,099 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 2:40 PM

    Thanks WGT :) Installing it now, getting stuck on "Preparing to install". Will be back with info on the progress, hopefully.




  • pmm711
    5,599 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 2:57 PM

    Thanks for opening this up to us!  Meter is smoother for sure....but seems faster.  Question: While playing are we in game the ranked rounds count, etc.?

    501 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 3:03 PM
    I'm having this same error everytime i try to install, have already try differents routes, also deactivate the antivirus, but same error........................ any suggest? error
  • Bowl64
    3,099 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 3:08 PM
    And i`m still stuck on "Preparing to install". Bjorn
  • WGTChampion
    1,891 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 3:14 PM


    Thanks for opening this up to us!  Meter is smoother for sure....but seems faster.  Question: While playing are we in game the ranked rounds count, etc.?

    Ranked rounds in Early Access count as normal ranked rounds on your account. 

    And i`m still stuck on "Preparing to install". Bjorn

    Make sure there isn't another window waiting for you to approve the install. 

    I'm having this same error everytime i try to install, have already try differents routes, also deactivate the antivirus, but same error........................ any suggest?error

    Looking into it with the folks here. Thanks for letting us know. 


  • Bowl64
    3,099 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 3:20 PM
    No other window waiting anywhere, i click the "HERE" provided by you and download the new version. Then the windows installer "stops" saying "Preparing to install" and nothing more happends. Bjorn
  • TopShelf2010
    10,891 Posts
    Mon, Sep 30 2019 3:35 PM
