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MOBILE PLAYERS: Where's your wedge?

Fri, Nov 29 2024 3:07 PM (68 replies)
  • Whiskeybreathe
    2,277 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2018 12:17 PM

    This glitch also doesn’t allow me to view my friends’ equipment ... It only shows my sticks ...Is there a workaround  this too ??? 

  • Trent0419
    11 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2018 2:30 PM

    Also, why does it keep resetting to that stupid hybrid? I have to keep pulling it out of my bag and replacing the wedge every few games. Why???


  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,682 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2018 4:02 PM


    This glitch also doesn’t allow me to view my friends’ equipment ... It only shows my sticks ...Is there a workaround  this too ??? 

    It has also been brought up, discussed and reported.

  • BellaGrayce
    166 Posts
    Sun, Dec 9 2018 7:01 PM

    So why fix something that isn’t broke? It went from being simple to edit your equipment to people losing their minds over their “missing” wedge. Yall have way too much time brainstorming ways to make the game worse instead of fixing what really needs fixed. 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 9:27 AM
    I'm afraid that we haven't seen anything yet! Just waiting to see what's in store for us when Woodcreek is up loaded for our pleasure. Is it job security, the more that's screwed up, the longer they have a job?
  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 11:58 AM

    Honestly, WGTis doing a great job in keeping us on our’re just keeping the complain department fresh for us. Game is redundant, we need something like this to occupy our boring time, and comical at times.

  • AbigailGrace0
    664 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 12:35 PM

    At least you can all login - I can't even get on the app anymore!!!!

    The app won't let me login until I update - there's a big sign preventing me with a button reading 'update', I click on that and it takes me to the app store, where I find another button which reads 'open' - I had expected to see a button reading 'update' but no...

    To cut a long story short, when I click on that 'open' button, yeah you guessed it, it tries to open the app again, but prevents me from doing so until i have updated...

    Updates are necessary, but MUST be tested first for gods sake.

    any ideas?

    thanks and appreciation for any input.



  • ScottyAKing
    176 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 4:33 PM

    I’m fairly reticent to criticise WGT, as I derive a lot of pleasure from the game, however this is a plain terrible update. 

    The new equipment layout is gimmicky (unsurprisingly), and seemingly just aimed at trying to encourage you to upgrade your clubs.  Thing about that is, a) I don’t want more clubs, and b) The recommendations I get are nearly all inferior to what I have. 

    The latest pro shop layout is just as bad.  Can someone much cleverer than me explain what was so bad about how it was previously?  Both equipment, and pro shop, basically mirrored the PC, which made switching between platforms pretty seamless...

  • santa084
    114 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 5:25 PM

    He's right!

  • Schmails3
    173 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2018 6:55 PM

    So here is the major issue with the equipment with this update other than all the other bugs and issues, obviously it wasn't tested well enough before it was pushed.  But the equipment issue, whether or not the new "original" and "advance" options are easier or not, the fact that it keeps resetting when I don't change anything and have the hybrid back in my back and have to go to settings again, change it again, and go back in again.  Although you don't find this out until you are in the middle of a game.  

    Just ridiculous update if you ask me that wasn't tested or thought out.  I hope this is resolved quickly, we had 2 members decide to quit the game conpletely this week because they were fed up with this stuff.




    Oh good grief, I just downloaded the update for iOS and it has the same bug. Are you kidding me? I now have a beginner hybrid equipped, all of my friends equipment looks the same as mine too. This is the dumbest, most incompetent update I’ve ever seen. Where is the quality control? How do you manage to roll out to iOS the same broken update you rolled out to android? 

    But I explained how to equip your third wedge. There's even a video link in this thread to show you.