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Best WGT Player of all Time!

Fri, Apr 12 2024 1:42 PM (1,957 replies)
  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 9:16 AM


    After doing a careful and extensive analysis, I've determined with a high level of certainty who the "BEST PLAYER OF ALL TIME" is.  I will give you the answer next week, but would like to see if anyone can come up with the correct answer first.   

    Umm, Henry. Exactly what criteria did you use when doing this "careful and extensive analysis"?

    I ask only because you already provided a list of the most prolific posters in the least a third of which were incorrect. 

  • HenryKawa
    1,727 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 2:24 PM

    CT.  The most prolific posters incorrect?    I don't think so.  They were correct up to the date that the stat was posted.   However, by the time you saw the list, the numbers already changed.   I think I missed one person on the list, but I quickly corrected that.  If there are any other prolific posters that I missed, let me know and I will add them.  I apologize for the error, but I tried my best to be as accurate as possible.    Henry.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 3:35 PM

    I know that you tried your best Henry. I apologize if I didn't seem to appreciate that.

    To answer your post, my guess would be that Mags is overall the best player on wgt. I will qualify my response as you haven't yet disclosed what criteria you used. 


  • HamdenPro
    2,529 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 3:43 PM

    I must qualify my response as you haven't yet told me what criteria you used. 

    No worries Colin, I am sure you are on the list, but of course, that would only be accurate from 2009. Not sure if you will make the updated list.

    I, for one, am anxious to find out who the best player is, and how the selection committee determined the result.

    I think we should have an awards ceremony. We can call it the Henries (not to be confused with electrical inductance), give an award or something.  


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 3:56 PM

    There are some tremendous players on WGT aside from Mags. They also deserve mention. Sebicu, Priestess, Young46, Yiannis, Babzilla...and several others.

    My pick, however, is still FMagnets.


    PS: Actually Steff, aside from my wonky drives, wayward approach shots and abysmal putting, I was actually pretty good..:)

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,706 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 4:49 PM

    My pick, however, is still FMagnets.

    Same here. Considering the overall impact Chris has shown & given, he's definitely unrivalled and insurmontable.

    And also, Simon (birchi), Yiannis, Sean (11BC2), Laurent (G0LD - Inventor of Dot Counting Putting System) and many many more.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Mon, May 16 2022 6:25 PM


    The best player here in WGT .

    my take at this point in time .

    # 1  .  its not hk ,  EDIT < EDIT : EDIT ? EDIT . no matter how hard or why  that  toot,s  EDIT  his horn . nothing pearsonal , EDIT .

    my take is not about the player with the most friends . EDIT . or the list of posts with EDIT 

    Its not who has the low score , or the top tier , or the most credits , or best CC ,EDIT , 

    The players that I have had the chance to not only know or game with including a mod or 2 come to mind as as best .

    We also have to think about a few of the said    " Best "   that  were here early and at the first .  some of the players that gave up and some we lost over time !  

    Some of the new players in the forums still looking for the " signs "  of who and why come to mind as the best player looking to keep something we all need .



    EDIT :  


  • HenryKawa
    1,727 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 10:19 AM

    WOW.  You guys nailed it.  Many names you mentioned are on the Top 10 Best Players of All Time List:   HERE IS THE OFFICIAL LIST: 

    1.  Tibbets

    2.  Fmagnets

    3. Young46

    4.  Nancy1959

    5.  Sebicu

    6. Yiannis1970

    7. Priestess

    8.  Bazilla33

    9. Birchi

    10. 11BC2  &   G0ld  >  Tied for 10th spot!

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 12:14 PM


    1.  Tibbets

    2.  Fmagnet

    3. Young46

    When I receive something purporting to be official but with a wrong name or spelling errors, I consider it spam.

  • HamdenPro
    2,529 Posts
    Tue, May 17 2022 3:19 PM


    Very interesting list. I can see that you put a lot of thought in it.

    I am sure there may be much debate about the 'best". Your list certainly exemplifies the top players. IMO

    Nice post HK.