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Best WGT Player of all Time!

Fri, Apr 12 2024 1:42 PM (1,957 replies)
  • HenryKawa
    1,725 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 7:58 AM



    Very interesting list. I can see that you put a lot of thought in it.

    I am sure there may be much debate about the 'best". Your list certainly exemplifies the top players. IMO

    Nice post HK.

    Thank you Steff.  I've been getting a lot of people messaging me, asking why I am not on that list.   LOL.    

  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 9:38 AM

    I've been getting a lot of people messaging me, asking why I am not on that list.   LOL. 

    There is quite enough "misinformation" in this world. No need to contribute.



  • bossbird
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 12:13 PM

    I am not participating in who is the best or who should be on any list. It just interests me as to why it even matters ! If you are a good player winning lots of matches … great if not .. does it make you a bad person ? … I think not !! 
    Why not just play your own game to your own ability , enjoy what you do and stop even thinking about who might be better or worse.
    We all know this is just a game , it means nothing in the real world. We should just do what gives us some degree of pleasure or relaxation or even escapism ! 
    We all play this game for differing reasons , and it doesn’t always have to be to see who is best. Whatever best may be !!  

  • craigswan
    32,192 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 12:37 PM

    Word of the day is 'parwhobbler' - : one who so monopolises a conversation that others can't get a word in edgeways..

    Remind you of anyone .

    This is a lovely word for some of those posters you get sometimes that go off on a rant .

    Brilliant word, up there with ultracrepidarian and probably many parwhobblers are ultracrepidarians .

    They dont want to hear anyone elses story .

    I know more than a few. .  And 90% of the conversation is about themselves .

    Definately not the name of my golf clubs, more like bogeywhobblers. .

    Sounds like an awkward four footer .

    Sometimes it's me..

    I feel seen .

    I'm sitting a table away from one at a cafe right now. Her friends are nodding and smiling at inappropriate times and looking around, totally bored. How are some people so chronically unaware?

    My mother-in-law .

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 1:25 PM

    No one wants to pay good money to watch "average", or spend inordinate amounts of practice time to be "average".

    It's human nature to strive to be the best. To deny this fact is to deny human nature. This is the reason mankind has progressed.

    As a pro football player once said, "there is no more fun to be had than winning".

    My 2 cents, anyway


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 3:29 PM

    It's human nature to strive to be the best. To deny this fact is to deny human nature. This is the reason mankind has progressed.

     I concur

    Why is it just mediocrity they strive for?

    Seems to be another ceiling ...

    See the source image

  • HenryKawa
    1,725 Posts
    Fri, May 20 2022 3:57 PM


    I am not participating in who is the best or who should be on any list. It just interests me as to why it even matters ! If you are a good player winning lots of matches … great if not .. does it make you a bad person ? … I think not !! 
    Why not just play your own game to your own ability , enjoy what you do and stop even thinking about who might be better or worse.
    We all know this is just a game , it means nothing in the real world. We should just do what gives us some degree of pleasure or relaxation or even escapism ! 
    We all play this game for differing reasons , and it doesn’t always have to be to see who is best. Whatever best may be !!  

    I hear what you are saying and I do agree with you - it doesn't matter how good anyone is.   I feel the forums are a great place to get information and share ideas.   In addition, I like to raise issues which will provoke discussion and make the forums more interesting.   I know I've pushed the limit in the past where I stepped over the line.  I promised a friend of mine in private discussions, I won't be that person anymore.   I was known to be a trouble maker and after years of taking it from all the Henry haters, it started to hurt.  I MUCH MORE like being accepted and having real friends.    That list is meant to be in fun and hope people don't take it too serious.  Saying that, the top people mentioned in my list are pretty darn good players.  And I probably missed 100 others who also deserve to be considered for the top 10 list.   ME????   Sorry, I'm not one of those 100.  l'm not even in the top 1000.   lol.   Talk later Bossbird.    Henry Kawa.

  • MioKontic
    4,657 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2022 2:00 PM


    I know I've pushed the limit in the past where I stepped over the line.

    Noooo!  Really?  When?


    I was known to be a trouble maker

    Again... noooooo!  Really?  When?  Ok, don't bother answering when, we know the answer (begins with A, ends with S, has a W in the middle somewhere).


    I like to raise issues which will provoke discussion

    I think the last word there (discussion) is superfluous, I'm sure you didn't mean to put it in, but we all make mistakes.  Actually, reading the sentence again, I think "to raise issues which will" is also superfluous, don't you think?


    l'm not even in the top 1000.

    Try adding another zero on the end, I think the sentence will still hold true.


    I... like... having real friends.

    Delete 6900 from your WGT list and maybe one day we might believe you.  Until then, keep dreaming!

  • HamdenPro
    2,525 Posts
    Sun, May 22 2022 3:41 PM

    Well stated Henry.

    Obviously, for most (if not all) who are aware of your postings, Seeing is believing, and that will take time.

    So far, good start - IMHO