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The Alt-Shot World Challenge

Thu, Oct 17 2019 10:11 PM (632 replies)
  • giraldin
    3,712 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 11:41 AM


    I asked Casey to be my partner because my partner dropped out. When the vast majority of our Country Club signed up, it was when this thing was supposed to be a team event against other country clubs.  We knew we would have some weak teams, but we figured so would the other clubs. It sounded like fun. As time went by, the tournament turned into a free for all, with anybody who wanted to play being able to play. I'm not sure if you even have to be in the same club to be a team.  That altered the dynamics of the tournament drastically, and interest among some members of our club dropped. My partner wanted out, and I asked Casey to sub for him.  I don't remember seeing anything in the rules to prohibit it, but to be honest, the rules changed so frequently that I might have missed that one. I suppose we should have just dropped out entirely when we saw it was no longer what we signed up for. We certainly aren't trying to cheat anybody out of anything. Once the grid was made, I felt an obligation to play. I no longer feel obligated to play. I am sorry our opponents will have to accept a concession. If sometime in the future an actual club vs. club  Alternate Shot tourney is put together, I'll be there looking to play. If another Alternate Shot Open Tournament is put together, I'm sure that with enough advance warning, our club could put together some very competitive teams. I'll be a spectator for that one of course.  : )


    In my personal case, since I was the one who started this question, I will just say, that I have never thought that nobody wants to cheat anyone


  • RANGER1988
    1,059 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 12:31 PM

    Okay folks moving forward!

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:03 PM

    Is the Weekly Nation 13 speed greens?

    Don't be confusing the issue, the Nation tournament is NOT the one to play. Green speed has nothing to do with it, that was just my casual observation about how they might affect the results.

    I don't know what the lower tier speed is for the WGT weekly, I'm just guessing it's something Legends aren't used to. They key is to have everybody on the same page with respect to what the alternative is to actually hooking up with an op and that is playing the WGT Weekly single play 9.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:09 PM

    After the few team alt shot friendlies on here, which we were part of, then it seemed a good idea mate.

    I know you intended to keep it as pairs within clubs but as you are one of the nicest people i have become to know, then it came as no surprise that you tried to help folk who maybe had no interest from their club mates to allow them to pair up with friends from any club.

    Then again you set about helping folk who lost partners by allowing substitutes to be used and basically just bending rules all in the aid of helping.......after all, it was just for fun and giggles.

    I did say you can do without it mate, and sometimes a no means a no.

    But you too nice for that........and i mean that with a high level of respect.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:12 PM

    Unfortunately my first time doing this was full of flaws, but I gave it my best and maybe later on in the future may attempt to try again

    Oh no you don't, no quitting on something that's starting to take hold. This is part of the skin thickening process, everybody coming up with abstract scenarios to make your life miserable. All you need is help getting it ironed out and if players aren't willing to bear with you while this happens, kindly tell them the bit about the screen door on the way out-the one that slams you in the butt- and carry on.

    You can't make everybody happy so don't try. You have a list of players that WANT to play this, you just have to adapt to the growing pains. Get that 3 player panel in place and stick with this, you're off to a positive start.  :-)

  • Lisa03
    5,910 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:37 PM
    For real? I thought everything was okay-but I guess not.
    3,174 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:38 PM

    i agree with you jimbo,you have something going on here topps just by the amount of pairs entered.

    it can work but you have to set the rules down and all players must abide or they are history,

    it doesnt matter if there are only  16 pairs left,as long as they get their games played and there is a winning pair then it is a success.

    dump the timewasters and the players who are not flexible with time zones issues.i dont want to play in the middle of the night but i would to get my game played,

    all players please get your games sorted quickly so we can move on,any problems message topper,jim ok



  • WigerToods2010
    8,445 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:42 PM

    Unfortunately my first time doing this was full of flaws, but I gave it my best and maybe later on in the future may attempt to try again



    You'll never please all of the people all of the time.  Listen to the advice of folk above (e.g. boobs / YJ / Finny) and you'll be fine.

    These guys will keep you right and cover your back as they know full well what's involved in making an event a success. Running a comp within the confines of a CC is one thing, taking it out to the big, bad, main forums here takes it to another level altogether.

    Far as I can see you've went out of your way to accommodate people as best you can. Folk don't like it ( for whatever reason) just point them to the EXIT and tell 'em to take their egos with them. Those in it for the fun will ensure it's a rip-roaring success

    In other words - don't let the bastigs get ya down.

    All the best.

  • giraldin
    3,712 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:42 PM

    Sincerely Top, from the most absolute respect, the only thing I did was to ask if it was possible what I saw, since I started all this. I have not judged anyone, I just wanted to inform myself. You do not know me at all, but I assure you that for me, anyone who uses their time for others deserves all the admiration. If possible, I would ask you to continue with this, there will always be problems, but surely with your work and the help of your friends, you will be able to take this forward.


  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Sun, Oct 7 2018 1:49 PM

    The rounds have a deadline, just like the world cup rounds did.

    Finny/Top -- how were matches that didn't get played prior to deadline handled in the world cup?  Couldn't we simply do the same thing here? -- no need to add single play rounds into the mix then perhaps...

    I urge ya Topper to stick with it. We'll get it ironed out and it could be something great.  :)