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Daily Motivation

Thu, Feb 13 2025 8:32 AM (2,151 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Mon, Mar 28 2022 8:28 AM

    Monday, March 28, 2022


    Avoid being dominated by your impulses but don’t completely ignore them either. Your impulses provide a window into who you are, what you’re feeling.

    Many impulses appear foolish to your rational mind. Yet there is a whole lot more to you than just logic and reason.

    Tamp down those impulses that are clearly and obviously foolhardy. Yet ask yourself, where do they come from, what are they trying to tell you?

    What seems crazy today could very well prove to be brilliant a year from now. Impulses can bring things to the surface that you don’t even know you know.

    Impulses remind you of what you’ve forgotten. They connect you to possibilities that are not yet fully evident.

    Exercise discipline over your impulses while at the same time respecting their visceral wisdom. Your impulsive side is there for a reason.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Tue, Mar 29 2022 9:08 AM

    Tuesday, March 29, 2022

    Move past wishing

    Your wish won’t make it so. Move past wishing and get yourself doing.

    Reality does not respond to mere wishes. To bend reality in the desired direction, someone must take action.

    The best person for that job is you. When it’s your wish, or the wish of someone you care about, it’s up to you to do the work.

    It’s a good thing that wishes don’t come true on their own accord. If you could get anything just by wishing, nothing would offer any meaning, value, or fulfillment.

    As it is, every genuine desire gives you the opportunity to make a difference using skill, effort, commitment and more. Life has great potential for richness because it is built on more than empty wishes.

    Your wish will do nothing until you do something. In that truth is a world of opportunity and fulfillment.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Wed, Mar 30 2022 11:10 AM

    Wednesday, March 30, 2022

    Make a great day

    Is this day not meeting your expectations? Then make it into something better.

    You’re creative, you’re resourceful, you have time, energy, and desire. Make good use of it all.

    This world is an amazing place, but it’s not just going to hand you an ideal life experience. It’s up to you to transform positive opportunity into rewarding reality.

    Don’t let yourself be tempted to blame outside circumstances when you’re having a lousy day. Step up, take responsibility, and make it into a much more fulfilling day.

    Find a little bit of goodness, focus on it, connect to it, then expand on it. The only reliable way to experience a great day is to get yourself involved in making it so.

    You have the power to dramatically improve your experience of life right now. Do a big favor for everyone, especially yourself, and make use of that power to make a great day.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Thu, Mar 31 2022 7:25 AM

    Thursday, March 31, 2022

    Bring peace to mind

    Your thoughts soar and then they plummet, followed by wandering, jumping, and falling off track. Take a moment, take a breath, let go of the need to think this or that, and bring peace to mind.

    Your thoughts are powerful and important to you, but they are not all of you. You can do just fine without them for a while, as you give them a well-deserved rest.

    Your curiosity is wonderful and amazing, yet you don’t have to know everything about everything. Your judgment, analysis, and consideration give great value to your life, but you are more than orderly logic.

    Give your thoughts a break, a chance to reset. Give yourself the experience of peaceful being.

    Feel without having to understand what you feel. See without your vision being muddled by anticipation of what you might see next.

    Offer your thoughts the opportunity to improve by letting go of them for a while. Trust your thoughts enough to leave them alone, and when you come back to them they’ll be better than ever.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Fri, Apr 1 2022 11:38 AM

    Friday, April 1, 2022

    Getting started

    Talk yourself into talking. Act yourself into action.

    Write yourself into writing. Think yourself into thinking.

    Whatever you need to do, or wish to do, start with whatever version of it is right here within reach. Get the ball rolling, establish some momentum, and then you can build on it.

    Contrary to the widespread assumption, getting started is not hard. It’s deceptively easy.

    Make a phone call, read a book, pick up a stack of papers, put on your socks. Right here, right now, is your opportunity to get started.

    You’re already standing at the starting line. Now is when you can go.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Sat, Apr 2 2022 7:51 AM

    Saturday, April 2, 2022

    Let your ambition come forward

    It’s not selfish to move forward with ambition. What’s selfish is to waste time, skills, opportunities, and resources on aimless diversions.

    You deserve a purposeful day, year, life. What’s more, you owe it to all those who sacrificed throughout history to make your opportunities possible.

    It’s not easy to zero in on a worthy and compelling purpose. It’s more difficult still to follow that purpose with commitment and determination.

    Yet what’s worse is to languish without any driving purpose. And then the regret for doing so can be unbearable.

    Fortunately, there’s always plenty of good work to be done. Life, awareness, ability, and passion are yours to put to use.

    Let your ambition come forward, and make yourself of continuing benefit to who and what you care about. Be the positive presence and force you are destined to be.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2022 8:41 AM

    Monday, April 4, 2022

    Trade in discouragement

    What if you could act to stop discouragement the moment you feel it? The good news is, you can.

    In fact, you can transform the negative energy of discouragement into positive, productive energy. To do so, recognize the power you have over your own thoughts, and put that power to use.

    Discouragement exists in your mind. It is only one out of many possible interpretations of your situation.

    Choose to go with a more empowering interpretation. Choose to go with a positive projection of your possibilities, of the future, of what you can do.

    Let discouragement serve its purpose by alerting you to what’s important in your life. Then, trade in that discouragement for courage, energy, and effective action.

    Where you go next is a function of where your thoughts are right now. Exercise the power you have over your own thoughts, making them as positive, realistic, and motivating as they can be.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Wed, Apr 6 2022 11:28 AM

    Wednesday, April 6, 2022

    So very much good

    You lament that the good possibilities are all gone. But that’s just an easy, flimsy excuse.

    You blame this person, that person, some odd factor or common situation. Yet assigning blame fails to accomplish anything of value.

    Scrub your mind clean of distracting, defeating thoughts and consider this question. What can you do right now to add value, richness, and goodness to life?

    Set aside the unproductive habits and obsessions, and focus in on the opportunities of the moment. Take a deep breath, thankful for the energy that fills you, and go to work.

    Push yourself a little bit past what is comfortable. See how right and thrilling it feels to be you, doing the good work you can do.

    Now is too valuable to waste on anything less than being your best. There’s so very much good you can do.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Thu, Apr 7 2022 6:29 AM

    Thursday, April 7, 2022

    Chance to give your best

    Progress comes when you desire the attaining just as much as you desire what you wish to attain. Achievement is a matter of seeking the necessary skills just as earnestly as you seek the rewards.

    Envision your goal and clearly connect that goal to the forces deep inside that drive you. Then connect yourself just as intimately to the challenging adventure of bringing that goal to life.

    The reward is part of the process and the process is part of the reward. What has real and lasting value for you is what you give your time and effort and value to.

    You won’t ever get meaningful value for nothing. And you wouldn’t want it if you could.

    What gives anything value is what you’re able to put into it. Every day, every challenge, relationship, situation gives you the chance to give your best.

    Grow in strength, wisdom, capability, and resilience. Every ounce of value you give adds to the richness and fulfillment of life.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,201 Posts
    Fri, Apr 8 2022 8:37 AM

    Friday, April 8, 2022

    Treasure the memories

    The past is over, yet its brightest treasures remain within you. Though you cannot live in the past, every day you carry its value forward.

    In your attic the memories gather layer upon layer of dust as time goes by. In your heart, however, the memories gain more vitality and relevance as fresh experiences are woven into them over time.

    Much of what you know about yourself comes from who you’ve been, how you’ve lived, all that you’ve discovered. Even the most difficult times in your past can offer you something of benefit today.

    And today will itself soon be in your past. Let that thought remind you to live it honestly, authentically, with courage, curiosity and kindness.

    For though this day is only yours to live for a short time, the way you live it will become an enduring part of you. Use the opportunity of its hours to give yourself and your world a gift that keeps on giving.

    Treasure the memories, whatever they may be, and continually build on them. Learn to become even more of the best you have been.


    — Ralph Marston