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Daily Motivation

Sat, Jan 11 2025 10:42 AM (2,120 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Fri, Mar 4 2022 8:40 AM

    Friday, March 4, 2022

    Steps available to you

    You have ability, you have opportunity, you have resources. Transform them into value.

    Your needs will not be met by merely focusing on those needs. To satisfy your needs and desires, you must do what you can do with whatever you have.

    You can’t do everything, yet you can do something. Conditions are not perfect, yet they do present you with certain opportunities.

    Within the limitations, within the restraints, within the challenges, those very real opportunities exist. Seek to find them, to focus on them, to act on them.

    Wishing for things to be easier will only make things harder. So spend your energy on productive action rather than on empty wishes or toxic resentments.

    There is a path from here to where you need to be. Take the steps available to you, and put yourself solidly on that path.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Mon, Mar 7 2022 8:14 AM

    Monday, March 7, 2022

    A job well done

    It’s a great feeling when you know you’ve done something well. Think of what you could do today to give yourself that feeling.

    When you make a difference, it makes a difference for you. Suddenly you’re more enthusiastic, more keenly aware of life’s best possibilities.

    A job well done improves your outlook on life and raises your confidence level. It enables you to connect with your skills, capabilities, and resourcefulness.

    Is there any task you’ve neglected that you could focus on today? Is there anything you’ve been doing halfheartedly that you could give more diligence and attention to?

    It can be all too easy to grow cynical and disappointed with life. Yet whenever you choose, you can create a powerful reminder of life at its best.

    Give yourself and your world the benefit of a job well done. Discover all over again how positive and effective you can be.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Tue, Mar 8 2022 8:28 AM

    Tuesday, March 8, 2022

    Making a difference

    Life in all its forms has made a difference long before you were around to see it. Vast stretches of hard, unyielding volcanic rock were transformed into soft, fertile soil by the power of life.

    The oxygen that sustains you in every moment is constantly replenished by life itself. Much of the value in your world comes from the reality that life, in its very essence, makes a difference.

    Not only can you make a difference, you can choose what difference to make. Every day you make that choice, and every day it matters.

    You can positively affect the course of your own life and the lives around you. It is a magnificent opportunity and a great responsibility.

    What you think, what you choose, what you do, it all makes a difference far beyond what anyone can imagine. So it’s best to make your choices based on love, wisdom, gratitude, respect, and generosity.

    All the time, you can make a difference, you do make a difference. What positive and uplifting difference will you make right now?


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Wed, Mar 9 2022 9:23 AM

    Wednesday, March 9, 2022

    Best version of you

    No feeling lasts forever. If the way you feel is holding you back, change it.

    Right now you can replace futility with hope. Right now you can transform apathy into enthusiasm.

    Have you had a disappointing few minutes, or day, or month? Here is where the disappointment ends and a more fruitful, fulfilling life begins.

    You will always face challenges and difficult situations. Yet you don’t ever have to let any outside conditions get you down.

    You decide who you are, how you feel, where to focus your attention and energy. Decide in a way that uplifts your life and the lives around you.

    The world is as it is. Meet that world with the very best version of you, and do the good work to bring more positive possibilities to life.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Thu, Mar 10 2022 8:32 AM

    Thursday, March 10, 2022

    Beyond frustration

    Frustration can put you in a foul mood and ruin your effectiveness. But it doesn’t have to.

    You can notice your frustration, learn from it, take positive action based on it. You don’t have to let it become an excuse.

    On its own, whatever is frustrating you is not forcing you to be one way or another. The source of frustration may be out of your control, yet your own response is very much up to you.

    Don’t let frustration goad you into needless anger, rudeness, or other destructive behavior. Instead, see it as a prompt to reaffirm your own positive direction.

    Whether your frustration is with yourself or with your situation, there’s nothing to be gained by perpetuating it. Make it your choice to move quickly beyond that frustration.

    Don’t allow frustration to make you into someone you would not want to be. Rise above it and commit yourself once again to living at your very best.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Fri, Mar 11 2022 8:55 AM

    Friday, March 11, 2022

    Activate your resourcefulness

    Some people have access to great and varied resources. Others have a characteristic that can be even more valuable, resourcefulness.

    No matter what you have or don’t have, you can find ways to make better use of it. By employing your resourcefulness and learning from the experience, you strengthen that resourcefulness.

    Resourcefulness is a child of gratitude. The more appreciative you are for whatever you have, the more ways you can find to make good use of it.

    Without sufficient resourcefulness, time, resources and opportunities get wasted. That doesn’t do anyone any good.

    A life of fulfillment is not primarily about what you start with. It’s more about what you do with it.

    How can you make use of what’s available to get from where you are to where you desire? Allow gratitude to activate your resourcefulness, and you’re well on your way.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Sat, Mar 12 2022 8:39 AM

    Saturday, March 12, 2022

    Live the promise of now

    Celebrate this moment that is now because now is where you live. Make good use of now because now is what you have, everything that is.

    You can conceptualize the past and the future, and that can be useful. Yet now is the only time where you can actually be.

    Now is when you can make progress. Now is when you can enjoy the richness of life.

    All the things you’ve ever done have brought you to now. You’re already highly invested in now, so be sure to live it fully.

    Now also holds great potential for all you can be. What you do with now will impact all the days ahead.

    Give now the respect, attention, energy, and action it deserves. Live the promise, reap the value, of now.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2022 11:21 AM

    Monday, March 14, 2022

    Give goodness today

    Give yourself a little extra kindness today. You deserve it.

    Spread that kindness to those around you. They deserve it, and you deserve the good experience of sharing.

    Give your life a unique and positive experience today. Expand your understanding of what it means to be you, of how good it is to be alive.

    Remind yourself of all you can be thankful for today. Deepen your appreciation for all that is.

    You put a great amount of effort and commitment into living. Be sure to fully enjoy and share the fruits of all that dedication.

    Give goodness today, to yourself, to others, to the world. There’s always room for more.


    — Ralph Marston

  • AlaskanDame
    19,678 Posts
    Mon, Mar 14 2022 11:46 AM


    Monday, March 14, 2022

    Give goodness today

    There’s always room for more.

    — Ralph Marston

    Isn’t that the truth?

  • Ladychipper
    23,140 Posts
    Tue, Mar 15 2022 8:08 AM



    Isn’t that the truth?

    Yes, for sure!