AZFlyer:I always screenshot when someone quits on me. Not sure why, so I have a record I guess. Anyway in the past week I've about 5 and still gotten the apparel pack.
When someone actively forfeits you get the pack. That requires them to press the "Withdraw" button in the app and actively leave the match. When this happens everything is rewarded properly.
When someone closes the app or browser window without first actively forfeiting (what I'm talking about) this is seen as a "disconnect" and not a forfeit. Only after waiting some period of time to allow a reconnect (I've had that step go as long as 10 minutes before I terminated my connection just to restart the game) does the game call it a forfeit, award you the match and the coins that go with it, but NOT any additional prizes that might have been active for you during that time - like the apparel pack. Apples and oranges.
This morning I had it happen on the first hole of my second match. The guy hacked two chips and I started to type, "Please, if you're gonna quit please actively forfeit and don't just close out". In the middle of that I get the "Paused for reconnect" message.
Generally this happens with more inexperienced folks, though this guy was level 70, who may not have played as many matches and don't understand the implications of their frustration. I actually had a genuine disconnect as well this morning (again during my 30 minute sponsor time) for someone's "buggered wifi", which also cause long delays between shots - another pet peeve but what are you gonna do?