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Improper credit when opponent disconnects

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Sun, Jul 23 2023 3:20 PM (24 replies)
  • Blue588
    274 Posts
    Thu, Oct 19 2017 5:53 PM


  • 1BuffDaddy1
    17 Posts
    Thu, Oct 19 2017 11:03 PM

    5. At the moment, unfortunately, forfeits and disconnects are not rewarding the winning player with apparel. I’ve contacted twice WGT about this, however to no effect.

    It just happened to me. Last hole. Last shot. Out of the blue. I sure wanted my sponsor's reward, too. Blocking the jerk isn't a solution. WGT needs to reward the winner. I know they won't do anything to the arsehat. It might make them quit playing and I guess they think that the "victim" is too invested to quit. Situation sucks.
  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Fri, Oct 20 2017 8:10 AM
    It should be automatic, that the player who quit, loses. I have no clue why they don't do this.
  • BackdoorHippie
    51 Posts
    Fri, Oct 20 2017 8:25 AM
    It should be automatic, that the player who quit, loses. I have no clue why they don't do this.
    It's because there's a grey area in a disconnect/waiting for reconnect. Should someone be punished if their wifi goes down? My answer is, heck yes!! It's a far better option than punishing both sides equally. I suspect there are far more purposeful disconnects out of frustration than there are accidental ones. I can think of only one time someone I was beating or tied with suddenly disconnected and didn't reconnect. I can give you 7 or 8 examples just in the last 10 days of someone who disconnected immediately after 3-chipping, finding the sand with your drive on the last hole when they're down 1, or some other form of "f- this I'm out of here" frustration. Better to compound the frustration of the person who lost their connection than to screw everyone who has had an opponent quit without a formal forfeit.
  • SHedrick8
    19 Posts
    Fri, Oct 20 2017 9:05 AM
    That *** happens to me a lot, I am not that good at this but when I'm winning against a high ranked player they quit before the last hole. That is a waist of time waiting to see what happens .It happens way too much. Pussys
  • 1BuffDaddy1
    17 Posts
    Fri, Oct 20 2017 11:46 AM
    I just played in a match where I asked my opponent to not just quit if he got frustrated, and told him to forfeit. He became about 4 strokes down after 5 holes with me having a kick in Bird and he forfeited. I got my apparel pack.
  • Blue588
    274 Posts
    Fri, Oct 20 2017 6:06 PM


  • AZFlyer
    9 Posts
    Sun, Oct 22 2017 7:36 AM
    I always screenshot when someone quits on me. Not sure why, so I have a record I guess. Anyway in the past week I've about 5 and still gotten the apparel pack.
  • BackdoorHippie
    51 Posts
    Wed, Oct 25 2017 2:46 AM
    I always screenshot when someone quits on me. Not sure why, so I have a record I guess. Anyway in the past week I've about 5 and still gotten the apparel pack.
    When someone actively forfeits you get the pack. That requires them to press the "Withdraw" button in the app and actively leave the match. When this happens everything is rewarded properly. When someone closes the app or browser window without first actively forfeiting (what I'm talking about) this is seen as a "disconnect" and not a forfeit. Only after waiting some period of time to allow a reconnect (I've had that step go as long as 10 minutes before I terminated my connection just to restart the game) does the game call it a forfeit, award you the match and the coins that go with it, but NOT any additional prizes that might have been active for you during that time - like the apparel pack. Apples and oranges. This morning I had it happen on the first hole of my second match. The guy hacked two chips and I started to type, "Please, if you're gonna quit please actively forfeit and don't just close out". In the middle of that I get the "Paused for reconnect" message. Generally this happens with more inexperienced folks, though this guy was level 70, who may not have played as many matches and don't understand the implications of their frustration. I actually had a genuine disconnect as well this morning (again during my 30 minute sponsor time) for someone's "buggered wifi", which also cause long delays between shots - another pet peeve but what are you gonna do?
  • djsaintdog
    12 Posts
    Sun, Nov 12 2017 3:28 PM

    Me and another player (3 player game of stroke) just lost to a guy who disconnected in the 13th hole and he still won the match with a score of 17...what's up with that? This really needs to get addressed