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Tue, Mar 28 2023 12:39 PM (202 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 10:33 AM


    Image result for conspiracy theory


    Where's the conspiracy, or did you think you were being clever with that silly sign?

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 11:12 AM


    Wait for it, here it comes. This is a precursor to the future of WGT. They're floating the idea.

    LOL... You guys are getting all worked up over nothing , Its simply an option, just like clubs, Balls , CC passes Etc. No one is making you buy anything , If you don't want it , Don't buy it ... Geeez

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 11:23 AM

    My son was a "gamer" a decade ago. The aspect of the game, he enjoyed back then, was the multi player interaction.

    Put on a head set, and talk to all the players at the same time. This has been the draw of all these type games, on PS 4, & Wii, etc, & will continue to be that way.

    The games have to be interactive between the players, or there is no interest. They build cliques, of like minded individuals, just as in here. They also berate the shiznick, out of each other. Just as in here.

    If a game is sold as a "Multi player" game, it has all of the above.

    Does the golf game being bandied about have a multi player feature? If so, a head set, and you're on your way.

    For forum topics, there is usually a dedicated off site area, for duking it out over game issues & what not on your PC

  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 11:57 AM

    What happens when flash is gone? Is this new cash cow going to be used to keep the pc afloat? Is wgt sinking any money in the pc version of the game?

    Mobile is where it is headed!!!! No moneys put in to updating the pc version as it would be like beating a dead horse. If wgt would let us know they are working on updating the pc version so when flash is gone it would still be here and playable. As it stands wgt is putting all their eggs in one basket, mobile and when flash is gone they will drop the pc version like a hot potato. If they have a plan for the pc version why don't they let the pc players know. They are going where the money is and that is mobile.....

    My 2 cents... What is yours??? 

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 12:59 PM

    I put all my money in comma's. I'm bankrupt



  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 1:15 PM

    I put all my money in comma's. I'm bankrupt

    You may have overspent on apostrophes too.

  • lonniescott711
    4,204 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 3:35 PM



    Wait for it, here it comes. This is a precursor to the future of WGT. They're floating the idea.


    LOL... You guys are getting all worked up over nothing , Its simply an option, just like clubs, Balls , CC passes Etc. No one is making you buy anything , If you don't want it , Don't buy it ... Geeez


    +1 You guys are way over thinking this thing . This game isnt even out of Beta and everyone wants to put a price tag on it . With all of the bugs and glitches in the game its a complete no sale . Also look at how they treat us as customers that in its self is enough to say no way . 

    There`s so much wrong with the game that the turn around cost investment , will hinder pay to play . Like I posted earlier , this is just another WGT brain fart and nothing more . So no the sky isnt falling and the world isnt coming to an end . So play the game and have fun as usual . Get a cold beer and rest your nerves and hit`em straight .


  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 4:39 PM


    (Oktoberfest in 11 days!)

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 4:48 PM

    You may have overspent on apostrophes too.

    Those are what I leveraged the commas on

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 4:58 PM

    In all modesty, I was the first to successfully split the infinitive.