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WGT Premier Membership

Tue, Mar 28 2023 12:39 PM (202 replies)
  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 11:54 AM


    I went out for a real game yesterday with a friend. We were paired up with a couple vacationers, here on the cape. 3rd hole I asked the better of the two, if he knew about WGT.

    He smiled, (gave it away) and said he was a 3 year tour pro. I immediately said, "so you're a sandbagger", he laughed.

    I asked if he knew about this premier thing, going on. He did not. I explained, to which he replied, "I'll quit if it is pay to play".

    He knew nothing of the forums. Apparently, many people who play this game, are going to one day, open their game up to, "You must update your account", or something of the like.

    That individual day for many, I predict will be their last.



    I hope you are wrong but fear this is absolutely the correct view of the future.  There has been more talk about the end of flash.  I have read that there are companies that do conversion of games, etc from flash to a different format.  So the technology is available to convert to a different platform.  

    The big questions if if WGT/TG would spend to make a change.  Based on what we see here I'm doubtful.  I think the mobile version is what they see as the future.


  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 12:24 PM

    the only way would take off

    if a lot of people buy the membership

    i for one will not

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 12:47 PM

    Since the inception of the mobile platforms, other than ridiculous clash related nonsense, I can't remember anything TG/WGT has done to actually enhance the PC version.

    I may be wrong, as I don't claim to know every nuance of this game.

    I do know that the mobile IS the future, thus the initial investment into it.

    I just don't see mobile players paying anything for apps. Not their style.

    I will say, the game plays flawlessly on WIN 10 Edge for me. Any crazy shots have always been on me. Much of the complaining about the meter has disappeared with great info, from educated players, on how to adjust older versions of different browsers etc.

    If you older version players, WIN 97 etc. can keep going back to older versions of flash, why can't you all just keep doing that?

    Is adobe going to completely kill off flash all together, or just stop supporting the new version?

    Maybe some with a lot more understanding than I have, can answer that.

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 9:39 PM

    most of us may have those silly gift balls. maybe do the Dove ball thing again.

  • yldcatz
    66 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 10:52 PM

    Can I have some?

  • yldcatz
    66 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 10:53 PM

    Think you are right.

  • yldcatz
    66 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 11:00 PM


  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 9:30 AM

    Yesterday i decided to price PS4's and XBox 1"s. Basic cost was $400 at a Walmart. Then I priced some of the games. Anywhere from $40 to $60 additional. Thinking further, I realized that the games were likely to have annual additions at $40 to $60. 

    So in 5 years an average gamer would have perhaps $750 invested plus any up grades to the hardware such as a better controller.  This 5 year investment works out to a revenue stream of $12.50 per month. Naturally in that 5 year period there will be new and better versions of the XBox or PlayStation  developed which will mean the hardware will have to be replaced. 

    TopGolf charges by the hour for play at their facilities. They provide food and drink for a fee. They do have clubs on site that can be used free so that non-golfers can try their hand without any investment other than a charge to play. This is there model, will it be moved to WGT?

    This Premier Membership does tell us that the game is being changed. We have yet to see what that change is or how we will be affected. Just be aware that something is afoot.

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 9:48 AM

    Image result for conspiracy theory

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Mon, Sep 4 2017 10:12 AM


    Yesterday i decided to price PS4's and XBox 1"s. Basic cost was $400 at a Walmart. Then I priced some of the games. Anywhere from $40 to $60 additional. Thinking further, I realized that the games were likely to have annual additions at $40 to $60. 

    So in 5 years an average gamer would have perhaps $750 invested plus any up grades to the hardware such as a better controller.  This 5 year investment works out to a revenue stream of $12.50 per month. Naturally in that 5 year period there will be new and better versions of the XBox or PlayStation  developed which will mean the hardware will have to be replaced. 

    TopGolf charges by the hour for play at their facilities. They provide food and drink for a fee. They do have clubs on site that can be used free so that non-golfers can try their hand without any investment other than a charge to play. This is there model, will it be moved to WGT?

    This Premier Membership does tell us that the game is being changed. We have yet to see what that change is or how we will be affected. Just be aware that something is afoot.

    Valid points.  However, some games will not need to be purchased every year when the next editions arrives.  I think Golf would be one of them, unless you were getting new courses and equipment options.  Team sports where the team make up changes do to trades, drafts, etc. are where the annual edition is different.

    The same way, as long as your hardware still works, it will still play your existing games.  What might be missing would be the social aspect of this game.  I'm not sure if the latest Golf game had some of that or not.

    As I can no longer play in real life, Top Golf facilities have nothing to offer me, except for food and drinks that appear to be a bit more than I choose to pay.  

    I would bottom line it as enjoy the game as it exists, and hope some form of the PC game will remain available, and hopefully affordable.