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WGT Premier Membership

Tue, Mar 28 2023 12:39 PM (202 replies)
  • Dneirf
    456 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 2:57 PM


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 3:36 PM

    Having given this some reasonable consideration, I've come to this conclusion. Cake + eat it too. A while back ( fer us ol' timers ) it was decided the game was too easy, so, the decision was made to make it more difficult for the "average" player to advance, the theory being the longer a player took to advance the more money that would be generated in ball sales, as players took much longer to level up than they used to. Now, here comes the flip flop, simply buy your way to advance twice as quickly up through the levels. Thing is, many on here complain about " red tee " champs and legends, what do you think this new batch of champs and legends will consist of ? My guess is it will just fast track the multi accounters, and attract more that may not have been willing to go the long route to restart.

    If this nonsense flies, any integrity the game once held, is out the window. Someone call a medic, or the gaming commission, we got us a new wild west here where apparently, a license to steal has just been issued.

    Doc :(

  • dmjenks
    390 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 5:21 PM


    I would literally rather spend $180 on a trip to the dentist.

    $180 doesn't even cover the office visit!!


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 5:50 PM

    A while back ( fer us ol' timers ) it was decided the game was too easy, so, the decision was made to make it more difficult for the "average" player to advance,

    You saying this with a straight face?

    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Sep 2 2017 5:53 PM


    If they get enough noobs to do it it might keep it free for the rest of us. 

    This is what im afraid of Jim. If they get enough noobs to join, and also enough current players who have the need to pay to play, then there is probably a more sure fire line of revenue. The market is there, so why not try and see what they can bleed out of them?

    Sounds a bit far fetched eh? Not when your a business though, as business dictates that you make as much profit as you possibly can.

    Many know my time here has been much less than before, and thats coming from somebody who played an 18 hole game at least 4 or 5 times a day, every day ( yep, i had the time, and loved it that much).

    But i fear the notion of enough noobs to keep it free for the rest of us is just pie in the sky. Im hoping your quote is just a mockery of the situation, but i dont see it that way.

    Im going to call it as i see it. I left this game because i felt it was rigged. But lets not dwell on that for now. I also felt the need to leave when i saw the first driver in the game that cost 40 bucks to buy. It was an eye opener then when that happened, and the trend continues upwards. As i said, business is business. And now we have this subscription beast rearing its head. 

    When i left this game, i went looking for another game to play that was free (not golf related). I found such game, and was delighted when i saw i could play without limitations. That game has now gone down the same route after 4 years, in that they are now bringing out a newer version so that we now have to pay to play. Its no way as expensive as WGT, but the newer version dictates that you have to pay for stuff that was previously free, and the game version (pc to mobile) is so far inferior, it makes the game look like a cartoon. 

    Im only saying this because i see the similarities are going the same way. I dont care for WGT anymore, and havent done for a few years now. I just want folks to know that, or consider where WGT are going with this. Thats why i disagree with the notion that so many noobs will pay for the freedom of the current players. 

    Just my thoughts on the way things are going, is all.


  • Dneirf
    456 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 2:53 AM


  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 5:46 AM

    I went out for a real game yesterday with a friend. We were paired up with a couple vacationers, here on the cape. 3rd hole I asked the better of the two, if he knew about WGT.

    He smiled, (gave it away) and said he was a 3 year tour pro. I immediately said, "so you're a sandbagger", he laughed.

    I asked if he knew about this premier thing, going on. He did not. I explained, to which he replied, "I'll quit if it is pay to play".

    He knew nothing of the forums. Apparently, many people who play this game, are going to one day, open their game up to, "You must update your account", or something of the like.

    That individual day for many, I predict will be their last.


  • drmoose
    3,546 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 5:47 AM

    You saying this with a straight face?

    Yep , Jim, I am. I even remember Mr. WGT saying as much in the forums, when people were grumbling about " unrealistically " low scores. I commented on it at the time, something to the effect that as a means of increasing revenue, where it used to take, say, six months to go from TM to Legend and it now takes a year, you've just doubled the amount of money that person spends getting there.

    Drag out the " conspiracy theorist " label again, but, I remember the change being just like someone threw a switch ( and probably did ). I had been a TM for some time , so, it wasn't that the game got harder due to levelling up, it got harder because a decision was made that it was too easy to advance.

    Doc :)

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 6:07 AM

    It's clear nothing is that clear what the real plan is / was if there was / is / ever was anything more than a fast $ New Idea for this month.

    How long Flash will last, well, not long as I understand it.  Certainly, it seems not long enough to attract new investment.

    However, as it stands I turn up and I play.  I pay for my L90 balls, just, out of the circle of credits that fly around in the ether of RGs / Brackets.  The host already also takes a dip just for letting me enter.

    The US$ is strong as it stands, and so WGT would be USGT effectively IF (unlikely IMO) they ever did roll out must pay to play.  Within the US how many want to stump up an extra $180 a year...............

    Investment in actually really fixing / improvement seems out the window, and it just increases sales or sink from my stand point.

    No offense to anyone but who is really going to buy this one?  Few people from a couple of clubs that think L22 looks fantastic.............they think that's good then fine, but we never saw eye to eye on the clash either.

    If they ever did really make it pay to play (in any effective manner) beyond the current (reality) method it's looking like it would be one desperate last charge or are the investigators finding swarms of people rushing for this........I think not on the latter, but not looked either.



  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Sep 3 2017 8:50 AM

    Image result for give it a breakImage result for forget about it