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Christmas in July 2017

Wed, Aug 2 2017 12:15 PM (112 replies)
  • twinponds169
    3,022 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 6:47 PM

    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....

  • Woodie312
    671 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 7:26 PM


    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....

    Tell me about it tp.

    I have only been here a year and half, and I last years thread without comment. It is a sad thing to see that so many of the "newer" members totaly ignore the fun and laughs had on these forum threads. I may not post alot in these public forums, but I do get a lot of laughs and have waded thru the chaff to gleam a few nuggets of info that have helped my game.

  • mrcaddie
    2,429 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 8:21 PM

    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums.


    I'm not so sure about your statement above.

    I think Opy's opening post was incredibly vague. I think both Doc and I were a bit confused because Opy stated that this years event wasn't going to be like past years events, but he never explained how it was going to be different or how it would play out.

    After being questioned by Lonnie, it looks like it's being run the same old way, but the newbies would never know what's going on from the opening post and if they are are new to the game they wouldn't know what we were talking about.

    Opy, may I suggest that you edit your opening post to clarify to those that are new to the game that this is an event where they can ask for a gift (club) that they might not be able to afford and someone in the community might be able to fulfill their wishes?

    Opy, you know I have your back and I'd love to kick in 1,000 credits toward your goal.

    All the best.


  • pmm711
    5,546 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 10:40 PM


    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums.


    I'm not so sure about your statement above.

    I don't think this thread is suffering because most newbies are mobile players...

    I think it's suffering because of the declining number of WGT players and also to how f'ing lame the forum actually is anymore.  Let's face it folks...WGT just isn't what it used to be.

  • HittyHard
    775 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 11:00 PM

    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....


    ....or people don't like asking for charity? 

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sun, Jul 2 2017 11:15 PM


    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....


    ....or people don't like asking for charity? 

    That never stopped them before.

  • lonniescott711
    4,186 Posts
    Mon, Jul 3 2017 9:53 AM


    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....


    ....or people don't like asking for charity? 

    Actually I think its because it keeps getting buried . When I first responded it was becuase I found it under the active threads and not the posted location . As fast as some one posts on it  , it winds up again getting buried again . Dont if its intentional but it seems so to me .

    Maybe WGT pay back after the boycott during the holiday over the Andyson snub . But its not staying posted long on the main forum page for any amount of time . I posted a notice in my club forum letting members know so will wait and see if any show up .


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Jul 3 2017 10:02 AM

    Sorta glad about this moderation thing...

    1st one deemed not worth posting...saving me a fortune ;))))

  • HittyHard
    775 Posts
    Mon, Jul 3 2017 10:54 AM




    Sheeesh, this has been up for 3 days. Not a single request yet? Growing testament that most newbies are on mobile and clueless to the forums. This thread would be on page 10 already, in the past.....


    ....or people don't like asking for charity? 

    That never stopped them before.

    Well, here goes nothing......

    I made a mistake buying the TaylorMade ATV 58° Wedge (L39+)

     and could actually do with the TaylorMade ATV 54° Wedge (L38+) to balance out the distances.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

  • MateopanshonGolf
    4 Posts
    Mon, Jul 3 2017 11:26 AM

    Hi people. Well I would like to ask a 3W, I havent been able to buy one because it has been really difficult earning enough free credits in the last months.


    I would like to ask a Callaway FUSION 3W (L86 +) or a MAX meter 3W (L92 +), because of the distance and the meter speed.


    If you think that I deserve it, it will be well received, if not I think somebody out there deserve it or need it more.


    Thank you. Happy golf. Cheers from Argentina.