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Consecutive days played bug

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jul 26 2018 7:05 PM (21 replies)
  • jdledell
    133 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 5:30 PM

    No matter how many times I play or play on consecutive days the meter always has me at one day played. For years on WGT I always had 300-500 consecutive days played and now I can't get past one day. 

  • alosso
    21,042 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 10:40 PM


    You play tourneys, and they should promote your CDP on the first tee shot (new feature).

    Did you observe if the CDP counter rises after a game and if the check mark changed from red to green?

    Are any CDP XPs awarded to you in the game completion pop-ups?

  • Slammer23
    420 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 10:07 AM

    I just lost my CDP bonus as well, despite the fact my score history shows playing each day. 

    No big deal to me; in fact I am not surprised since towards the end of the 26th (a few hours before the daily reset) I started in the middle of a round I had started the previous session. I had noticed the "!" was still there so I made sure I finished before the day was up. The "!" never disappeared, though. I only had a week or so on it and don't care a lot about CDP nyway, but it DOES seem buggy.


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 11:48 AM

    hi guys

    are you keeping track of the counter? if you finished a round and counter didn't reset, then please let us know asap by commenting on my profile. next day is usually too late


  • fmagnets
    3,638 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 12:03 PM

    As has been carefully buried in the middle of the other CDP thread, the end of a round is no longer relevant. The first shot you hit now determines what day the round is counted on. It seems nobody has mentioned this to Icon :-(

    Why WGT doesn't make a proper announcement about it is beyond me. Think of all the emails to CS and forum complaints that would be saved with a simple forum post and news announcement.

    Even better, why not program it properly so that any shot hit on a particular day counts towards that day's CDP, irrespective of when during the round it is hit?

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 1:09 PM

    The first shot you hit now determines what day the round is counted on. It seems nobody has mentioned this to Icon :-(


    You do not even need to complete the round, as that first shot will maintain your CDB.

    I agree 100% with Fmags, an announcement telling players would alleviate a lot of complaints and queries from players, the only problem is forum users are the minority.....hence why complaints of the CC Clash format are overwhelmed by other players writing in about how wonderful the concept is. But I digress......

    Only concern with changing the programming to allow for any shot counting irrespective of the day it is hit, is the programmers themselves - can they do this without dire consequences? No lack of faith...I wonder why?


  • JohnHancock
    1,905 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 2:24 AM

    My consecutive days played keeps moving forward (119) but I no longer receive the bonus xp points, any reason for this?

  • pjschaub
    173 Posts
    Fri, Sep 30 2016 6:18 PM

    I'm confused about the way this is working. I don't know the reason for changing some thing that was not broke. I play every day and then all of a sudden I loose  days played although, I play the same way every day. I can start at 7:45 pm (est) and finish after 8:00 PM I get no credit that I just played, where in the past I could do it like clock work. Now I have to play another game to get credit for days played. I do have a life and I only go by the days played not just for the XP'S, but also for my club pass. I've been burnt every time as of late. I sometimes can only get that game in (7:45 till 8:15 PM) and don't have time to play again until the next day. Why am I not able to get a consecutive day in a row? why are we now not able to have a chance to play consecutively, I don't work on the schedule that allows to get the CDP. because it was perfect for me, now I'm screwed. And the only reason I'm here writing this now is because I am tired of being screwed every time I play for a CDP.

    Just need to know, why take away something for just sake of, because you can?

    If this is a bug and your working on it, fine, if this is the new way of doing it, I don't like it! And next time ask for some feed back before you implement something as critical as CDP, because, of course, that's our bread and butter to the games' XP.

    Thanks for reading.....pjschaub (Patrick)

  • alosso
    21,042 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 12:19 AM

    I play the same way every day. I can start at 7:45 pm (est) and finish after 8:00 PM I get no credit that I just played, where in the past I could do it like clock work.
    So 8 pm EST equals 12 pm GMT?

    Just start the game after 12 pm GMT and play one shot - this is what counts, watch the check mark.

    Concerning the CDP XPs: These are transferred after the first shot, too, observe the XP indication before and after.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Oct 1 2016 4:20 AM

    I've been burnt every time as of late. I sometimes can only get that game in (7:45 till 8:15 PM) and don't have time to play again until the next day.

    Well, if you would really start a round EVERY day at 7:45 pm, it shouldn't be an issue. Cause you would get your bonus with your 1st shot 15 mins before the deadline. But you could never start it after 8 pm, or you'd miss that day. 

    Easy fix. whenever you start your round before 8 pm, you simply play 1 shot in any stroke play mode after you finish. It could be on a single hole, or in an unlimited tourney (I wouldn't suggest single play ones, lol). That shot will give you the bonus for the new day, so if you start playing after 8 pm the next day, it's not an issue.

    P.S.: These times are of course only correct, if you are on US EST. And that'll change to 1 hour earlier, when the daylight savings time kicks in. Unless you move to Rio during the winter, cause they're an hour ahead ,-)